I sat there watching everybody and Kevin had his crew and I was just watching them. Then I looked over at the ladies and they wasn't looking to good.

Ms.Norah came up to me and sat down next me and I looked over at her. " I know you love her, and I'm sorry we had to meet this way. " She said looking at me and it felt like she was looking in my soul.

" Yeah I do actually--" I said looking some else where. " I'm sorry we had to meet like this too, this ain't no place nobody belongs " I said shrugging. I'm hard body so I gotta be strong for everybody. If I fold then everybody else will and I'm not going out like that.

" You seem like a good man and I don't want you to break my baby heart now ya' hear ? She's all I have other then her brother " She said and i just nodded. " Speaking of her brother where is he at ? " I asked looking over at her.

She sighs and play with her hands
" He's out of town in Washington dc doing a show " She said looking somewhere else.

" You meaning to tell me, he doing a show but couldn't drop everything he doing for his sister? That's just crazy " I said shaking my head. Family ain't shit for real. Ain't no damn show more important then your sister who in a hospital. I already don't like this pussy ass boi.

" Family Of Alexis Danielle Patrice ? " He said and everybody jumped up and the doctor stepped back a bit.

Scary ass nigga.

" Haha it's alot of you guys " He said and seeing nobody wasn't In the mood for laughing he cough nervously.

" Would you guys like good new or bad " He said and i looked over at Kevin and you couldn't read his face but deep down I knew he was hurt.

" B- Bad " He said above a whispers and I agreed. I rather hear bad first but knowing it's going be a good ending.

" Well Ms.Patrice was 1 to 3 weeks pregnant-- " He started and I just put my head down. " But she had a miscarriage and the causes of this was liquor. I look into her system seeing she had 4 total of drinks in her body and that what cause her to loose her baby "

I punch a frame picture on the wall near by and watch the glass shattered. I was so mad.

" Kentrell, stop " Ms.Norah said from behind me. I just watch ass the blood flow from my hand. " Oh goodness look at your hand " She said grabbing my hand and seeing all the blood.

Some doctors came over to me and tried walk me to this room but I snatched away from them and let them lead the way.

By now everybody was taking turns seeing lexis but I wanted to go last. While they fix my hand this give me the perfect time to kill time.

They clean up the blood and numb my hand to get the glass out but I don't know why I love pain.

My mind went back on what the doctor said and i couldn't do nothing but be mad. This shit hurt me so bad it's like she didn't give a fuck about me.

Kentrell felt like he wanted to kill somebody but he know that wouldn't solve shit. Deep down all the happiness he had went down in pieces.

If it ain't one thing its another. He thought then he looked up at the doctors who was working on his hand. He wanted this shit to be over but they was taking they time.

Damn this man is fine, One of the doctors thought biting her lip behind her mask she wear. She reminded herself to get his number when she got done.

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