South Park: Not All Fun and Games

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(A/N): An old story I never finished that was intended to be smut, but as I said, I never finished it. Inspired by the game The Stick of Truth.

The sun slowly appears up to the sky, the rays began to hit the window on your house. Your bedroom window was open, and from that came someone entering your room. They sneaked in trying not to wake you up. Setting down their backpack then opened it carefully. With a slick motion they removed a piece of clothing, gently they placed in on your bed.

You yawned as you began to wake up from your deep slumber. Rubbing your eyes to get the crust out of your eyes, you notice something.

" What the fuck?" You groaned. What you saw before you was a dress that was a princess dress, it looked really realistic. It was not a Disney princess dress thank the lord. On the dress was a piece of paper attached onto it. What could it be? You removed the paper and looked at it for a moment.

'Morning, sweetie! Sorry for sneaking in your room by your window. Kyle, Cartman, Stan and I planned out a new game to play! I know, I know we're in graduated from high school, but we planned it all. We call it The Mortal and Demigods, it took the whole school year to plan it. So Cartman and Kyle are Mortals (we couldn't let Cartman be a Demigod 'cause he planned to destroy fucking everything, and that would ruin the story.) Me and Stan are Demigods.

You are the Princess of Healing, the key reason why the story kinda exists. Mortals and Demigods are not on good terms, due to them being half god. Mortals fear that the Demi's will enslave them, So they constantly go to war injuring many Demi and Mortals. That is why the Princess of Healing is the most important to Demi and Mortals.

Currently, you are with the mortals healing them after a huge fight with the Demis, but don't worry! I'll come to take you away from those mortals (please don't tell Cartman. When we're done playing he may rip my dick and balls off O^O.) Anyways, I would have text you, but I dropped it in the toilet. Yea....I'm that lame.... Okay! Get there at sharp 9:30 am at Cartman's!'

Putting down the piece of paper, you stare at your dress.

" Why? Don't they remember what happened with that kid named Douchebag?" you asked yourself. " Then again we were young so maybe this will be different.....I hope I don't jinx that..."

You look at the clock 9:28 am. Fuck....

" It's 9:40, now. Where is Princess (Y/n)?" Cartmen hissed, staring at his phone while stuffing his face with chips. " At this point the Demi's are going to win without her healing us!"

" I'M HERE! SORRY!!!!" you yelled, holding your dress slightly up to avoid falling on your face.

" Ah, Princess (Y/n), it is good to see you. If I may, you look as beautiful as the flowers today" Cartman greeted.

" Quit being a suck up, Cartman. We all know you're only being nice to Lady (Y/n) so she can pay more attention to you when you're hurt." Kyle huffed

" Piss of Kyle! I'm only saying what's on the script! Don't you dare fucking call me a suck up you Jewish-ass!"

" Don't disrespect my people!" Kyle growled, lifting his hand up to hit Cartman but slowly lowered it, knowing that it would be pointless and Cartman would mostly be the only one gaining from that, having known that his words reached Kyle.

You just stood there awkwardly. " I wonder when Kenny's gonna get me." you wondered to yourself in a quietly.

After Cartman and Kyle's quarrel they explained how to play the game, and Cartman explained why Kyle was a Jewish-ass for some Cartman-like reason.

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