1- Revised

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**This story is being revised and each chapter is being reuploaded when it is complete! Feel free to re-read and comment your thoughts! Nothing major changing, just adding and fine tuning details**

My lips were parted slightly as I leaned forward to make sure my eyeliner was being applied in a straight line. It was always a hassle to get both sides correct. Especially before eight am.

"Dasha!" My roommate came in singing as I swooped up and cursed. Damn! It would've been fine if it looked like a winged shape, but it was crooked and all zigzagged like Harry Potter's scar on his forehead.

"Rosemary, really?" I groaned as I wiped off the gold eyeliner and restarted on my eyes. 'Let's try this again.'

"Oops, sorry love," she teased and went to go finish packing her bag for class.

"That should do it," I declared as I gazed back into the mirror seeing that both sides were even. The gold eyeliner brought out the hazel in my eyes and made my platinum blonde hair shimmer a bit more.

"Ready for class?"

"Will I ever be?" I acknowledged back and grabbed my bag as well.

We started walking towards the cafe and I pulled out my phone to check my reflection quickly. I had to start this new year off with a good first impression! Especially in college!

"Dash, you're fine." Rosemary grabbed my elbow as we made our way into the line with the other sleepy-eyed freshman who were only awake enough to make it through an eight am class. How we ever were awake for sporting events or anything else in grade school earlier than eight was beyond me.

I glanced down at my seafoam chiffon dress that was hanging loosely around me, held by the brown cinched belt. To top it all off, I had on brown sandals that had gold darting down the middle strap. Simple yet cute for the first day. Rosemary on the other hand had gone all "concert rock girl" for today. A black crop top with the rolling stones logo on it and high waisted shorts. Her black converse were the only things I would've changed about the outfit but it didn't bother her one bit.

"Mmm pancakes," she gushed as I made my way over to the cereal section and grabbed some rice krispies and fruit. I was way too jittery to be eating something so filling.

I found a spot for the two of us by the window and flagged Rose down as she scanned the crowded cafe. Smiling, she came over and brought her tray down hard while sitting and digging into her food.

"You're not hungry?" she frowned after spooning a forkful of eggs into her mouth.

"No," I began as she continued eating, "too nervous I guess."

"What's your first class?"

"Intro to Business," I sighed.

"Bummer, mines history and I heard I have the hottest teacher here!" she squealed.

'Oh Jeez. No wonder she was awake this morning.'

It didn't matter what school I attended, there was always that one teacher that everyone thought was to die for. I just didn't get the point, it wasn't worth the trouble even if we were of age. Not to mention ninety eight percent of the time they were married and had kids.

Rose pushed back a lock of her curled copper hair, "well even if I can't have him. I can still look," she winked at me.

"By all means, just don't drool too much," I teased her as she pressed her lips together to keep from spitting her milk back out.

Once she was able to compose herself she pretended to glare at me as I just giggled. We had been friends since middle school and hadn't planned on being at the same school, but it just happened that way. Thank God honestly. We were inseparable as it was and being able to live together and take on college was going to be an adventure. Living more than five hours from home was bittersweet, so having my best friend was definitely helping the nerves.

"Well I should be off," she glanced at her watch, "I'll catch you at the dorm?"

"Sure. Or I'll see you in math," the one class we had together.

She pretended to choke herself and got up to throw away her stuff as I continued munching on my pear.

Looking down, I saw I still had about twenty minutes but there wasn't any point in me just twiddling my thumbs. Might as well just get up and go to class early, could give me an insight on how this year will be.

Begrudgingly, I stood up and walked out towards the tall pale blue and luminous building that was the so called business building. Honestly it just reminded me of some tall CEO miniature skyscraper that was out of place on campus.

Upon entering the classroom, I noticed there were some students who were sitting. Hmm this was always the tough part, where did I want to awkwardly sit down with my stuff for an hour and a half? More importantly, did I want to try and make small talk before class to hopefully gain a friend or two to help me suffer through this prerequisite.

I walked towards the middle and sat down in a desk with my bag plopping onto the floor. No one looked up from their phones.

"Good morning everyone," my professor walked in with his glasses nearly sliding off his crooked nose.

"Morning," some of us murmured as he wrote his name on the board. Professor Gallenstein.

"Well since some of you are here I'll go ahead and hand out the syllabus and go over some stuff."

His voice droned on about how he was going to try and make this class fun for us freshman and so on. It wasn't too bad but after thirty minutes when everyone had the syllabus and was glancing at it I noticed the amount of work I could potentially have. And this was just my first class of the day... at least tomorrow would only be two classes.

"Great," I murmured and began highlighting stuff he mentioned that would be coming up soon.

"Alright, I don't really have anything else to tell you guys for today being that it is the first day. You're dismissed," he slid his glasses back up his nose.

Multiple conversations erupted after we got out of the class and I decided to just walk around campus for a few minutes. I still had about an hour til history, might as well get more acquainted with the University. Many freshmen from my class darted over to the bookstore to go check out the books we needed according to the syllabus. Thankfully Rose and I had just decided to rent all of ours ahead of time and feel poor before even starting the semester.

Stopping at the vending machine, I got a pack of cheese crackers and a pepsi. I at least had enough money to get snacks when I needed them and was slightly hungry since breakfast had been a few bites and nothing else.

"Breaking the broke college student stereotype?" a male voice sounded behind me.

"Yep, defying rules is what I live for... though wouldn't it be defining in this case?" I teased back and stood up to be gazing into the most green eyes I had ever seen in my life. 'Well hello.'

"You might be right, but there are some "fancier" vending machines around, I'm sure you're aware." He smirked and allowed me to step aside as he chose a bag of chex mix and a gatorade.

While his back was to mine, I checked him out slowly, enjoying the view. He was at least six three, and seemed to be either really tan or potentially Hispanic? I wasn't really good at figuring out ethnicity's, specially with his green eyes... they reminded me of emeralds. Even his dark chocolate hair was screaming for me to brush it with my fingers.

"Well it was nice to meet you," he frowned, "I'm sorry I don't think I caught your name. I'm Hayden Blaze."

"Dasha Watkins," I shook his hand as he gazed at me. Oh my, he was incredibly handsome. Most likely a jock or something with how athletic he looked, probably a full ride scholarship no doubt. Not to mention the grey pants and polo shirt, most definitely a jock... probably football since every guy on the team was dressed up this morning that had been in the cafeteria.

"Well it was nice to meet you Miss Watkins," he smiled brightly, unaware of my ogling, and walked off towards the sociology and history building.

"Miss Watkins, how formal." I murmured quietly and giggled to myself. What would be the odds that Mr. Incredible would be in my class? Probably one in a million but a girl can dream.

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