Junior x Booty

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Junior's P. O. V.

I was sitting in a Starbucks, drinking my beloved coffee, digging a spoon into a cheesecake and abusing the free internet access.
The cheesecake? Well, if you compare my 80s face to today's, you realize that the pounds are there for a reason.

My beloved wife and children - which actually weren't children anymore - were at home, probably waiting for the head of the family to return home from touring.

Meanwhile, the responsible head of the family spent his precious free time on Instagram, scrolling through his feed. At the sight of a giant booty, only covered with an extremely thin piece of cloth, he choked on his cheesecake and had to drink even more coffee to recover quickly.

People around me were staring. Not often did a guy in his 50s looking like an aged rockstar sit around in a Starbucks coffee shop, drooling over booty pics. Not to mention that he was a married lutherian priest. Judas Priest, to be precise.

I awkwardly smiled at the people staring at me to assure them of me being harmless, then I went back to drooling all over my phone screen.

You know, everybody does it, as Dave said. And it's fucking rad. So why can't I do it to, like Dave? I'm not Junior anymore, I'm a grown man and after all these years of making out with groupies, I have a damn right to continue like that. In my mind.



This is based on a real fact. I leave it up to you to figure out which one that is :)

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