Jeice X Reader | One Shot (The Shy Guy)

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YummyGhost (A-N)

I know I say this in all of my Dragon Ball Z FanFictions, but it's best if I put this here at the start of the story so no one can complain about a few differences and things I've added in. I've only added some of my own things/ideas into this story just so the FanFiction can be successful. These things are pretty little and I would have thought that no one would notice them, but some people might notice these things I've added in and complained about it. So don't say I didn't warn you guys, plus the characters and story line will still be the same.

Anyways I hope you enjoy. :D

"What's wrong with you, grumpy ass." You sat next to Vegeta who was slouched in the cafeteria. "Nothing, I'm just tired." Vegeta sighed and crossed his arms. "You do look pretty tired. But there is something else. Spit it out, I know when you're upset because I've known you since you were a child." You attempted to squeeze more information out of your Saiyan friend. "Ok maybe something else is bothering me. But I don't want to talk about!" Vegeta raised his voice with a rough exhale. "Ok fair enough. Also follow me, I know something that will cheer you up." You nudged Vegeta and signaled him to follow you. "What?" Vegeta groaned and started to follow you. "We're going to mess with Zarbon." You smirked and walked down the corridor with Vegeta.

As you and Vegeta were walking around trying to find Zarbon, both of you ran into Burter and Jeice who were walking in the opposite direction.

"Yo Jeice, do you know where Zarbon is?" You stopped in front of the red member of the Ginyu Force. "Errrrrrrrrrr... H-he's with Dodoria and Guldo in room two six one, love... I-I though you didn't like Zarbon." Jeice stuttered his words as he usually did when you spoke to him. "I don't, but him being with Guldo makes life easier for me. Thanks anyways." You quickly thanked him and followed his directions.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Do you fancy (Y-N) or something?" Burter looked down at his friend who still had his eyes on you. "WHAT!? NO! Where do you get that image from?" Jeice crossed his arms and acted as if he wasn't interested in you. "Well you hesitated hugely when she spoke to you, you stuttered on your words, every time she hangs out with the group you keep your distance from her and you've gone a lot redder around your cheeks." Burter listed his thoughts that made sense. "Fine. I may have a crush on her. But you say nothing to anyone, mate." Jeice admitted and pointed at Burter. "Ohh I promise." Burter laughed. "I know you're gonna tell someone." Jeice sighed as he knew his friend couldn't keep a secret.

Back over to you and Vegeta.

You and Vegeta went to room two six one and found Zarbon with Dodoria and Guldo. All three of them were putting some sort of machine together, for Lord Frieza. It looked like the new regeneration tank Frieza was talking about not long ago.

"Guldo." You called the green aliens name. "What?" He answered you. "Come here, I need you for something." You peeked your head around the corner of the door frame. "Give me a minute, guys." Guldo excused himself and walked over to you.

"Make it quick." Guldo crossed his arms and sighed. "Can you do me a favor?" You crouched down so you was at Guldo's height "What's in it for me?" Guldo looked at you with all of his eyes. "This." Vegeta then threw a dog biscuit at him. "This favor better before you and not your Saiyan friend!" Guldo raised his voice as he really didn't take much of a liking to Vegeta. "Yeah that's why I'm asking you to freeze time, steal me Zarbon's scouter and once I've finished with it put it back on his fuck ugly face." You gave the idea to Guldo that you had a funny trick up your sleeve. "On it." Guldo smiled froze time and gave you Zarbon's scouter.

"So what are you planning on doing with Zarbon's scouter?" Vegeta asked you. "Changing his ring tone to something very inappropriate." You chuckled and changed the ring tone settings. "He's going to kill you." Vegeta began to cheer up as he saw that you changed Zarbon's ring tone to the sound of a woman moaning. "Fucking worth it though." You looked at Vegeta and gave the scouter back to Guldo. "Yeah I agree." Guldo laughed and joked. "Now we play the waiting game." You crossed your arms with a chuffed look on your face

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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