93 13 4

Well, I haven't updated in like


Anyway, we have a new question from the awesome @DHandAJ!

'How do you feel about transgenders?'

I like this question.

I like this question a lot.

Transgender people are, pretty much, downright awesome. I don't see them as anything different to a normal person who was just born with a body different to their hormones.

I'm going to be super honest, there are a bunch of gays who hate bisexuals, pansexuals,  asexuals, transgenders, and etc. But those people are dicks. Honestly, if you are one of those people, go sit your ass in a corner and fuck yourself. Got it? Cool.

Seriously, if I met a girl, and she was awesome and pretty and had the best personality ever, if she ever turned and said to me that she was born or classifies scientifically as a guy, I would still keep up a relationship with her because she sees herself as a girl. She sees herself as a girl and I see her as a girl, making her a bloody girl.

It doesn't make me any less gay and it wouldn't make her any less of a she.

I can't think of anything else to say for this....


Fabulous regards,

iNSaNiTY - I want to sleep... But I'm at that point where you have surpassed being able to do so.

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