♔ 1.10 Unfinished Business ♔

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♔ Aarav ♔

          From my security team, I find out where Hiten currently is staying. My guards follow me into the hotel and I head straight to the elevators to take me to the floor he is on as I already know the room number. I knock on the door and then cover the peephole so he can't see it's me.

Almost a minute later, he answers. "You again." He tries to put on a tough show but I feel like rolling my eyes.

I push my way inside and make a face at how messy he's kept the place. Yes, this is a hotel room, but there is still an etiquette of living. This... this looks like a pile of garbage with beer cans everywhere, a half-eaten pizza box on the bed with the covers ruffled up and clothes everywhere. I pick up a wet towel from the chair as if its infectious and throw it aside.

"What do you want?"

I hold my hand out and Vikas hands me a file. I place it on the desk and push it to the corner he's standing at with his arms crossed trying to intimidate me.

Hah, someone tell him I have learned the tricks of intimidation from ASR, and he nowhere matches to the level. He's not even on the scale.

Even calmly sitting, I can be more intimidating than he. "Sign it," I voice out the order in a clear, chilling tone.

"What's that?" He questions reaching for the file to open it and read.

"In case you can't read, that says you will never in the future try to claim your rights over Jhanvi or her child. You will have no claim over anything that belongs to either of them."

He scoffs, throwing the file back on the table. "You are a fool if you think I'll ever sign that. That child is mine. Heck, I have more of an involvement in that child's creation than her."

I smirk in response even though deep down, I want to beat the shit out of him. His brows narrow in confusion. I can understand his reaction. He's here trying to rile me up but he is not going to get that satisfaction. "Are you camping out here thinking she'll come back to... you?" I say in an insulting manner.

"You think that spineless girl has the guts to raise a child by herself?"

I stand up and button the center of my suit. "Her name," I take a step close and glare him in the eyes head on, "is Jhanvi Narayan Singh Raichand, and she is not alone anymore. If you only know her enough to think she'll return to a piece of shit like you..." I laugh shaking my head at his absurd thinking.

I may have not known her growing up, but I still see the fire in her eyes. She knows when to stand up for herself. Any girl to pull a fight with me without a second thought knows better. And let's not forget, her ancestry belongs to that of fierce Rajput warriors that have shaped the history of this country. Cowering away is not in her blood.

"...then you don't know her at all."

"And what, you do?"

I remain silent so I don't let out anything about my and Jhanvi's childhood to him that I shouldn't. I turn back to face him, "If you know what's best for you, you will sign it."

"Who do you think you are threatening? You don't know me, I'm a police officer."

"Don't embarrass yourself, Hiten. You're a cop in Australia. Here, you are nothing. I won't hesitate to drag you to court for this, but you will lose and you very well know you don't have the means to bear a legal expense on your cop salary. Now... I don't think you want to be charged for fraud, theft, and accepting illegal bribes on duty, so you have a day to sign it."

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