♕ 1.9 Two Minutes ♕

Start from the beginning

Composing himself again, he clears his throat. "If I agree to your conditions, can I ask for one thing? Just one."


He reconsiders, "Actually, two."

"What?" I repeat, getting impatient. He is making this longer and I think he is forgetting that I am standing here basically naked and in wet hair.

"Even after, you let me be a part of kid's life. You can't just be up and leave after."

That's a strange request. It isn't what I expected him to ask, but I prompt him to continue, "Second?"

"Get to know me. Don't ask me to stop pursuing your hand in marriage."

Again, his request is startling. "Why?"

"Why not?" He asks back, leaving me with no response to that. "So?"

"I need time to think."

He looks at his watch, "You have two minutes."

I gape, "Excuse me? I can't very well decide something so big in matter of two minutes!" This is the rest of my life we are discussing here! How can he be so casual right now? So nonchalant. So irritating and getting on my nerves!

"Well, that's all you have, Shona. Take it or leave it. Either this, or I don't leave till you agree for marriage."

I scowl feeling the urge to wrap my fingers around his throat and strangle him. My sane self tells me that'd be a grave mistake, seeing as to how he is the heir of one of the largest Fashion Houses in India with their branches around the world. There is no world where I would get away with his murder, even if I happen to be a Princess for in this modern day democratic world, that title is simply a title without means.

Why does he need me to make his deals for him when he's an expert himself?

He smirks, knowing he has won this argument.

I grit, "Fine, you get those two things."

"It's a deal then?" He stands up and holds out his hand.

"Deal, but it should be noted that this is against my wish." I mutter cheekily just to see if I can get on his nerve the way he gets on mine. It's my pathetic attempt to test him. And nope. He doesn't get irritated. Seems I am going to have to work harder to figure out which buttons to push if I want to get back at him.

He chuckles lightly, making my heart flutter for a second. This is the closest to a real smile I have seen, and it only adds to his appearance. In this moment, there is nothing arrogant about him. "This is the first time I am taking someone's word for it instead of drawing up a legal contract. Don't make me regret it."

I roll my eyes at his paranoia. And his arrogance is back. "You need to learn to have some trust in people, Raizada." I pull my hand back from his grasp. "Now, I am saying this as kindly as I can. Get out. I do not fancy getting sick."

He gives a tight nod. "Very well."

I thought he would leave but he stops after taking a step towards me. I do not get the chance to retreat as he lifts his hand and pushes back strands of wet hair, caressing my face in the process. He seems like he wants to say something, but his lips press in a tight line instead.

Changing his mind, he places a peck on my forehead, leaving me confused at his actions. "I'll wait for you outside."

I watch his figure disappear behind the door as he slides it shut. I am still confused at his sudden show of affection and my inability to make any sort of reaction.

Dare to Be | Heir & Heiress #1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now