The Abandoned Garden

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Beyond the archway lay a town full of flowers and old stone buildings covered in ivy. Bricks coated in moss paved a pathway through the town toward a fountain that served as a centerpiece. The two of you walked in, gentle tapping of shoes echoing against the empty silence.

"There has to be someone tending to all these flowers," you said in a hushed voice. "They look so vibrant and healthy..."

You were as lost in the beauty as you were in the woods. Looking down at Peepers made warmth rush to your cheeks.

"So...who do you wanna ask first?" you inquired, tilting your head to the side.

"It doesn't look like there's anyone here to ask," Peepers responded with his eye half-lidded.

"'re not wrong. But we can look," you smiled at him.

He sighed, looking toward the ground. A faint blush was visible on the white of his eye. "Can't get any more lost than we already are..."


Every step in silence you took beside the commander made you more and more nervous. You desperately wanted to ease the tension somehow.

"Hey, Peep? We've been walking for a while. Maybe we could sit by the fountain to rest?" you asked in the sweetest voice you could muster.

He sighed and reluctantly agreed. Memories of the night he took you in started to bubble up like the water in the fountain.


"I've been meaning to ask..."

Peepers looked up at you expectantly, resting his hands on the cold stone of the fountain.

"...about that one night...I'm just wondering, why did you take me in?"

He froze.

You remembered? And how much did you remember?

"It was just because the watchdogs wouldn't get off my back about you carrying outside objects in your cell," he huffed.

You sighed, having expected a response like that. "I just want to thank you."

Peepers jumped at the words. "Th-thank me?! For what?"

"You could have easily taken it away and left me there...but you decided to take care of me instead." You glanced toward the ground, nervously fidgeting with your hands.

"That...that means a lot to me, it really does," you gave him a genuine smile. The way your hair was tousled by the breeze added an adorable charm to it.

He looked at you for a moment in awe before crossing his arms and turning the other way dismissively. "Well, I may be evil, but I'm not a monster. It was simple hospitality, nothing more."

You let out a playful giggle, finding him more adorable than ever. "And the cuddling...? Is that part of the simple hospitality deal?"

"I-WHAT?!" Peepers jumped. "NO! THAT NEVER HAPPENED!"

"Huh, I must've been dreaming then," you put a finger to your chin in thought. "It was a nice dream though..." you said under your breath.

The commander was blushing furiously now. "Ok, breaks over, we gotta get back to the ship. Come on."

He grabbed your hand and dragged you back toward the archway.

"Wait!" you stopped underneath it to catch your breath. "What if it...what if it wasn't a dream?"

Peepers turned his back to you, completely frozen in embarrassment. "I can assure you it was! Nothing like that would be allowed under Lord Hater's rule. Now quit asking about it!" he snapped.

A hurt expression was scrawled across your features, heart sinking slightly. You understood he was loyal toward Hater - so it was going to be hard to convince him to break his leader's rules. What you didn't take into account was your emotional well-being while doing so.

What would Wander say...

"He's only doing this because he's insecure, he didn't mean to hurt you," a whisper spoke from the bushes. "Stay patient and you'll get to that soft side in due time."

In a panic, you looked for the source of the whisper. The vines and roots that sprouted from the flowery bushes seemed to be moving - but as soon as you looked in their direction, they stopped.

"Peepers, I think I heard someone," you whispered.

He gave you a sceptical glace. "Really?"

"You must be open about your feelings as soon as you're ready. Keep up this act, and you'll lose them before you get the chance."

"...Wait, I heard something too," he whispered back, edging closer to you protectively.

There was a tense silence while the two of you continued to listen. After the pause, a faint voice echoed...

"...Please take time to follow the advice you've been given. Those who are willing to grow are destined to find love."

And then, it vanished. The town was gone. Only flowers and trees surrounded the area you once stood in.

"...What...what was that?" you asked, dumbfounded.

"Let's just leave."


oh boy here we go again (Commander Peepers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now