He could hear breathing. It was human breathing. He can sense the fear in the breathing. "Anyone in here?" Lincoln called out.

There was silence...

"L-L-Lincoln, is that y-you?"

A voice was heard from inside the lockers. Lincoln recognized who that voice belongs to...

Rusty Spokes.

Lincoln immediately then try his best to open the lockers. The only problem is that he doesn't know the combination. He then put a number that he can think of.


Luckily for the ashen-haired boy, it was the right combination. He opened it and Rusty came and landed on the floor. It took a few seconds before Rusty lifted his head off the floor. He looked up at his friend. Rusty then sighed in relief.

"Rusty? What are you doing here?" Lincoln curiously asked his friend.

"I woke up inside the lockers and was scared thinking that there was something in their with me!" Rusty responded. "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"I woke up on the floor and was wondering how I got here!"

"Yeah, how did we even get here?" Rusty asked. They knew thinking at the moment. "Do you remember anything?"

Lincoln then remember something. "I remember that we were supposed to go the arcade with Clyde when Carl Wheeler approached us and pushed you!"

"And you told him that he was weak without his little goons, I think he said he wasn't alone before someone knocked me unconscious!"

The duo was still trying to find out why they were trapped in the boy's locker room. Simultaneously, their eyes went wide, like if they realized they just solved a mystery before anyone else done.

"Do you think...!" Lincoln said.

"Oh, I do...!" Rusty said.

"Carl and his goon trapped us here!"

"They stole my 'Princess Pony: Limited Edition' book!"

Lincoln looked at Rusty in confusion. Rusty just blushed furiously red, since his buddy found out he reads a ridiculous book. "Uh, did I say princess pony? I meant that Carl and his gang locked us in the locker room!" Rusty nervously tried to cover up his answer.

Before Lincoln could speak, Rusty got up and ran to the exit door. Rusty then lift his right hand up so he can push the door.


Rusty fell back and landed on his butt. Lincoln walked up to his friend. "Uh, Rusty, I been meaning to...!"

"Ah, I think I know what you mean!" Rusty interrupted. Rusty then tried to pull the door, much to Lincoln's annoyance. "Ah dang it, the door is jammed!" He turned to Lincoln. "Do you know why?"

Lincoln just looked at him. "Maybe it's because it's 6:35 pm right now!"

"Hold up, 6:35 pm!" Rusty said, surprise. "Damn, were we really stuck here for 4 hours?" Lincoln nodded his head.

The duo then walked up to the nearest bench. They sat down. The white-haired boy just stared at the lockers while the orange-haired boy just stared at the ceiling, dazing off in the process. This went on for about a minute. "Do you have your phone? I left my phone at home!" Lincoln asked, breaking the silence.

Rusty just shook his head. "No dude, my dad wouldn't even buy me a phone!" Lincoln felt bad for him. He knew Rusty's dad was a strict man.

Rusty's stomach then growled, indicating that he is hungry. "Ah dang it, I'm hungry and there is no food here!" Rusty laments.

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