
Rebekah walked in to mania's house and looked around real quick. She smiled slightly. It smelled like her.... and Chinese? She saw the bag of food on the table and went to it, closing the door behind her. She tried listening to see if she could hear a heartbeat. She must've heard one.

"I know you're here! Come out!" She yelled at the house. Mania almost opened the storage door but Stefan walked out.

"You caught me." He said. Mania sighed in relief. Stefan stood out in the middle of the house wit Rebekah. She was a little angry he was here.

"What are you doing here you have no right-"

"Neither do you." He interrupted her. She looked at him surprised. He pointed to her hand.

"Two rings. Mania's not your wife anymore. She left. So we are both in the wrong." He said. Mania listened to the conversation trying her best to keep quiet. Rebekah felt a punch in the gut when Stefan said that.

"She is still my wife." Rebekah said. But even she had a slight hard time believing it.

"Then where is she? Last I heard she left because after you were kidnapped she became a monster to you." He said. Rebekah clenched her fist, she was ready to hit Stefan.

"She is not a monster! It wasn't her! She was framed." She yelled at Stefan. Mania felt herself almost start crying. Rebekah didn't hate her.

"Well its to late for that. She's gone, and she's not coming back." Stefan said. I heard his footsteps go toward the door.

Mania's pov

Was he leaving my house? What the hell was I going to do?

"I still hear a heartbeat! I know you are there whoever you are!" Rebekah yelled out. Should I come out? She'd probably coming looking for me eventually. I sighed and opened the small door. I climbed out and I closed it. I put my hair up trying to make myself look somewhat presentable. Stone face, Mania. I'm dying soon so no trying to fix anything.

I walked back into the living room into the light so Rebekah could see me.

"Mania.." She gasped. I just stared at her.

"Rebekah." I said back. She started to come up to me and before I could stop her she tackled me into a hug. I just stood there not hugging her back. Do not give into her Mania. You know what you have to do.

"Klaus told me that you'd left-"

"Why are you here?" I asked her. She looked at me a little confused pulling away.

"I- I came looking for you. Klaus said you were in Switzerland and I just wanted-"

"My house isn't Switzerland. It was good seeing you." I said coldly and started walking towards the door. She sped in front of me stopping me from leaving.

"Mania, what's wrong with you? I'm trying to tell you I know you weren't the one hurting me. I know you saw me a while ago completely flipping out but trust me I don't feel that way anymore." She said. I nodded and looked away.

"Thank you for telling me you aren't afraid of me. I never wanted that. I always wanted to give you everything and when I..." I stopped myself. I needed to leave. I promised Damon and Stefan I would do this. I can't go back on it.

"What Mania?" She asked softly.

"When I found out you had been kidnapped I lost it. I took Elijah, Klaus, and my entire army and just about killed every living thing down there to get to you. Phobetor looked exactly like me and I realized you thought I was hitting you. That I was calling you those horrible things. I killed him and then you passed out. When you woke up you didn't remember me the three of us saving you, you just remembered me hurting you." I told her. She looked away from me. She looked like she wanted to cry.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you'd finally had gotten angry enough with me so, you started to hit me. I should've known you'd never-"

"It's okay. I should go. Stefan is probably waiting for me-"

"Wait, you're not coming back?" She asked me confused. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Rebekah, I have caused your family so much harm. I'm not going to do that again because of my selfish desires. I don't have much left to live for but I'll always love you Rebekah, but now you need to find someone who doesn't get you kidnapped, twice." I told her. She looked at me shocked and I went to open the door. I saw Stefan waiting for me. I walked down my steps towards him. She pulled me around and smacked me across the face. I looked at her a little shocked.

"After everything! After everything we did together, everything I did for you! You choose to leave! Well fine! You can take these with you and don't worry about coming back this time!" She yelled at me. I saw her take off her rings, well hers and mine, and throw them at me. She glared at Stefan and then sped away. I saw the rings hit the ground and fell to my knees.

"That's it. I-I officially lost her." I said stuttering out my dreaded words. I picked them up and clenched my hand around them.

"I'm so sorry Mania." I heard Stefan from behind me.

Goddess// Rebekah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now