Chapter 24: No Goodbye

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Wattpad's back :D

Just so you know i had finished this a fair bit earlier i just couldn't upload it for obvious reasons :P

So here it is :)




Just after I nodded off to sleep I was woken by a few nurses before I was moved from ICU into my own room. They had been meaning to do it earlier but there weren’t any free rooms. I continued to toss and turn all night, barely getting any sleep. Not to mention how hard it was to get any sleep with all of the drips and things injected into me. The constant beep of the heart monitor was so distracting, not to mention loud! Well the moral of this rant is that I’m in a shitty mood because I got quite literally next no sleep.

I woke up to see my mum sitting next to my bed with a cup of coffee. ‘Oh Jess thank god you’re okay,’ my mum exclaimed at I sat up and pulled her into a hug. ‘Hey mum,’ I said awkwardly, I had done so well to keep this from her. To protect her from the ugly truth, but the doctors had obviously told her everything. ‘How are you feeling baby?’ My mother cooed. ‘Pretty good,’ I said stretching and looking around the room, I spotted two suitcases sitting by the door. Mum saw me looking at them, ‘I packed everything that you’ll need,’ she said calmly.

‘So what I’m not going home, I don’t get to say goodbye?’ I said grumpily. Did she seriously think that I would just leave everyone and everything behind? ‘Sorry baby I didn’t think of that, we can go home, don’t stress,’ Mum said reassuringly. ‘Don’t stress,’ I smirked under my breath.

‘What was that?’ My mum demanded, I could tell she was in a crappy mood, but to tell you the truth so am I. And you know what? It takes two to tango. ‘Nothing,’ I huffed. Mum opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it.

A nurse knocked on the door before mum called for her to come in. ‘I see you’re awake Jess, how are you doing?’ She said politely making her way over to me. She began taking the drips from my wrist and forearm, and then continued to detach me from the heart monitor. ‘Well Jess we’ll just get your discharge papers then you’ll be free to go,’ the nurse said as I sat on the side of my bed. I nodded and smiled at her as she headed for the door.

‘Thank you,’ I called as she opened the door.

‘No problems darling,’ she said with a friendly grin before disappearing into the hallway.

‘So what time are we leaving?’ I asked readjusting my position so I was sitting up more comfortably. Mum looked at me and sighed, ‘you’re leaving as soon as your discharge has been approved.’ I shake my head and analyse what she just said, did it not occur to her to use we? ‘Don’t you mean we’re leaving in an hour?’ I ask, crossing my fingers under the blanket, I can’t go there alone. ‘Baby I’m sorry but I can’t come with you, I have to work to pay off all of these bills. I don’t even know that we can afford to send you there,’ my mum said sadly. I’m used to hearing it though; it’s been like this with everything since dad died: concert tickets, merchandise, leotards, training gear and money to go out to the movies and stuff like that. ‘But mum, I don’t want to go there alone!’I whined.

‘I know but there’s nothing I can do Jess,’ mum said. I sighed in defeat. Mum walked over to my suitcase and grabbed out a few things and passed them over. A pair of black tracksuit pants, a white singlet and dad’s old knitted jumper; the one I take everywhere with me. ‘Go get changed, we need to head off to the airport soon.’ I nodded ad and headed over to the bathrooms to get changed.

I walked back into my room to see mum chatting to a nurse, ‘ready to go?’ Mum questioned standing up; I nodded as the nurse handed mum a whole heap of paperwork. ‘Good luck Jess,’ the nurse said politely before leaving.

‘Thanks,’ I replied before she left. ‘I guess we’re heading to the airport?’ I ask, my mum nods before picking up one of my bags. I grab my phone of the table, just as I suspected half of the screen had fallen out, and much to my pleasure it won’t turn on.  I pick the luggage with wheels and roll it out of the hospital. We pack my bags into the boot of mum’s car and we head off to the airport.

I jumped into the passenger seat and sat with my legs hugged up to my chest, I really didn’t want to talk to my mum, so hopefully she’ll get the message. A few minutes into the trip mum turned on the radio, I’m pretty sure it was to cover up the silence that filled the car. I laugh to myself as One Thing blasts through the car stereo; mum looked over to see me smiling, so she turned it up louder. I sat up properly and started drumming along to the song, the rest of the car ride we mucked around to the other songs that came onto the radio.

I sighed at the sight of the airport, I don’t want to go. As much as I fight with my mum I’m going to miss her, she’s the only family that I’ve got. We unpack my bags and head up to the counter, mum helps me check in. We give in my two suitcases; I keep my backpack to take onboard the flight with me. ‘So we need to buy you a new phone don’t we?’ Mum said looking around the airport for somewhere that sells phones. She grabs my hand and drags me into the Telstra shop, ‘mum I’m sorry for ruining it,’ I say shyly.

‘Its okay baby, accidents happen,’ mum says trying to flag down a worker.

‘Yeah accidents,’ I smirk quietly so that mum won’t hear.

‘Hi how can I help you?’ The middle age worker asks, my mum smiles at him before replying.

‘We are after a low cost phone plan with free social networking,’ mum replies.

‘Where you after a phone too?’ He asked.

‘Yep,’ mum said popping the p.

We look at a few phones before I end up picking a black iPhone. Mum paid for it all and we headed up to the gate where my plane will be departing from. ‘Honey we’ve still got time, come on we’ll get some proper breakfast, not the junk they feed you on planes,’ I nod and follow mum to a small café.

I ate a fruit salad and low fat yoghurt while mum chose bacon and eggs. After breakfast we head back to the gate to see everyone lining up and presenting their boarding passes. We get a place in line and slowly make our way to the front, I give mum a tight squeeze before boarding the plane. I take my seat and put my phone on aeroplane mode.

For the entire two hours of the flight I play my ‘1D’ playlist which consists of everything from Torn to Taken to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

What Are We Payne?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara