Hiding my pain

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Leah's Pov- I should cook dinner before Prodigy gets home, wait no if he does not like what I cook it's my ass I will just wait.

The door opens....it's Prodigy, he is drunk as usual.

Leah: Hi-

Prodigy: Where the hell is my food?

Leah: I was waiting on for you to get home.

Prodigy: Did I tell your big headed ass to wait?

Leah: I'm sorry, I'll jus co-

Prodigy: *Punches her in her eye*

Leah: *Crys*

(Recap over)

Prodigy: Get the hell up and make me some food!

Leah walks to the kitchen and starts to boil some hot water. Prodigy then picks up the pot of water and splashes it on Leah's arm. Leah cleans up the mess and begins cooking Prodigy's food again. Leah gives Prodigy his food and runs to Jeremiah's room.

Jeremiah: *Crys* M-M Mommy!

Leah: What's wrong baby?, mommy is here.

Jeremiah: I heard Dawaddy yewing and I got scared.

Leah: *Puts Jeremiah on her lap* It's ok, It's ok.

Jeremiah: What happen to your arm? *Starring deep into her eyes*

Leah: Do you want some icecream? *Changing the subject*

Jeremiah: Ywes, Ywes, Ywes!

Leah walks to the freezer to get Jeremiah some icecream, while over hearing Prodigy's conversation on the phone.

Prod: Hey baby...

Girl: Hey sexy, I had so much fun tonight.

Prod: Me too, I tour your pussy up!

Girl: *Laughs* You are so crazy baby.


Leah untunes herself from the conversation and walks back to Jeremiah's room, after he eats his icecream she puts him to sleep and goes to the bathroom to take care of her brusies.

Fighting Prodigy *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now