"it ain't in here greedy," I said to him.

"so is that what that dance is supposed to look like?" He asked leaning against the mirror behind him.

"I'm trying," I said to him.

"trying to do what, hurt your back?" He asked. "cause you rolling everything except for your hips."

"so what, you're an expert on sexy dancing or something?" I asked him.

He pushed away from the wall and made his way over to the chair in the middle of the room. He sat down and made himself comfortable. "do it again." He said.

"Do what?" I asked him.

"the dance," he said. "start the music over and I'm gonna tell you what you doin wrong."

I rolled my eyes. I started the song over and went over to my spot to begin the dance. If I wasn't nervous before, having him sitting there staring at me was making it a million times worse. It was hard enough having Jayme watch me but having him sitting there had my anxiety sky high.

"stop looking so nervous." He said.

I stopped and turned to him. "I'm not," I said.

"you are," he said.

A rolled my eyes and used the remote I had in the pocket of my joggers to stop the music. "this isn't going to work, I'm just gonna go back to the studio and record something else. If I go now I can finish something before the deadline-"

"stop," he said. I had all of my things in my hands already and I was getting ready to leave but he was stopping me.


"Come here," he said. I put all my stuff back down on the floor and walked over to where he was sitting in the chair. "do that part again, the body roll thing you were trying when I walked in."

"like, you mean like in your lap?" I asked him

He nodded as if to say 'duh stupid,'

"but that part of the dance is before I ask for the volunteer from the audience," I said to him.

"stop arguing and just trust me." He said to me. I sucked in a deep breath and straddled his lap like he asked me to. He took the remote from my hand to control the music and started it. Once the music started I waited until the right moment and started the move again.

He reached up and grabbed my hips. "relax." He said, dragging the a in the word relax as he pulled down on my hips forcing me to squat down further over his lap. He continued to pull me down until I was pretty much just sitting on his lap. "you're doing this weird thing with your back when the only thing that needs to be moving is your hips. Do it again but only move your hips."

He pressed the play button on the remote and started the music and I starting the winding motion again. He reached out and grabbed my hips with his hands making me stop moving altogether. "these are your hips, they're not up in your shoulders alright."

I rolled my eyes at him. "shut up."

"just dance like your riding me." He said.

"riding you?"

"oh yeah I forgot, you're the 24-year-old virgin. It's the sex position with the girl on top." He said. "you have to know what I'm talking about huh?"

"I'm a virgin, not an idiot," I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Okay, well right now you're dancing like you're both of those. You gotta make it look like you know what you're doing." He stopped. "you seen porn before right?"

"why would I tell you that?"

"there's a reason why I'm asking." He said.

"Yeah, why," I shot back.

"so that means you know what I'm talking about." He said. "you're thinking too much. Just do it."

I started to whine my body again and he held onto my hips guiding my movements. He was giving me this look; he was looked up at me through his eyelashes in a way that was...making me nervous. I could feel my pulse quickening and my palms starting to sweat.

"d-don't look at me like that," I said looking up at the ceiling. He grabbed my chin and pulled my head down so that we were staring right at each other.

"half of a person's sex appeal comes from their eyes." He said in a low voice. I didn't think it was possible but I was just getting more and more nervous. There was a heat building up inside me that I couldn't control. "you look like you about to lose it." He said with a small laugh.

"I am," I said.

"calm down I don't bite...not unless you ask nicely." He smiled and I could feel that familiar heat building up in my stomach. "you see that, that feeling you getting right now, I'm turning you on and you got this look on your face like you've been in the desert starving and you just ran across a full Thanksgiving dinner. You gotta use that feeling and let it control the way you move your body."

I nodded."okay." I got up from his lap and went over to my starting position and he started the song from the beginning. I did what he said, or at least I tried to. I guess I was doing something right because he didn't stop the music. I got over to where he sat and straddled him like the routine required. I got down like he had me do before and started the body rolls.

He chewed down on his bottom lip as he watched the way my body moved. I pushed of f of him and went on to finish the rest of the routine. After I was done the music stopped and I turned to face him.

"How was that?" I asked him.

He began to clap as he rose from the chair slowly. "good job," he started toward the door but spun around on his heels. "thanks for the dance."

"anytime," I replied with an awkward wave. I sucked in a deep breath once I realized how stupid that was, but he was already out the door on his way to the snack machine. "I really hope he didn't hear that." 

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