broken leadership

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Broken leadership

Have you ever cry at 12 o’clock? Neither had Micah. But she was about to. Staring at the ceiling of her room. Thinking about the things that she’ve been through. She cannot help it but to cry. She’ve been crying for the past three days and she can’t open up to her friend who made her that way.’why do I need to cry for that matter?’ whispered Micah to herself, ‘I don’t need to be like this. Pity.’ She commented. She took a quick glance on the wall clock, half past twelve in the morning. Micah needs to sleep. She still have an hour ahead to. Immediately, she tried but after a lot of attempts, she failed. I need to do something, Micah thought, I really need too.she rose and start looking for a pen and a piece of paper. Her eyes bore on her table, a pen and paper in her study table. Wicked!

Monday, December, 13 2024

     I thought it was a good day, a day before my birth day. I’m quite exited and quite nervous. But seriously? I have that kind of gutts in my mind…. Geeeezz! Well, that day turned very well, I did not expect that my teacher in research asked me to be a leader…. Wait! Am I good in leadership? Isn’t it too hard for me too handle, is it?

Micah stop writing, as she think once again.

‘okay, guys. This will be for your grade I want you to report----err----this.’ Said Miss Kirsten as she pointed her four finger in a book right in front of her. Everyone in the class nodded. Report? Micah thought, as ussual.

Yeah! Micah is the leader of her group. It makes her think twice. God, she can’t even handle herself. But being a leader and lead a five people? Great this is pretty challenging. But then again, she accepted it for a reason--- to be a good leader at once.

‘the assigned leaders, come here. In front….’ Said Miss Kirsten as she calls for their attention, ‘ I want you to pick one of this seven papers’ she continued.

Micah asked for the help of the Lord her God. She really wants to be the last reporter. To be prepared. And also she believes in the saying, save the best for last. She eyed the piece of paper and picked the good looking little paper, she opened it. Oh, men! This paper must be kidding, she picked the number two. Great. Unbelievable.

When Miss Kirsten asked what number does the leaders picked, Micah who looked annoyed announced it. Even if Micah is a kind of mad and annoyed, part of her feels exited, who wouldn’t right? She searched everything about leadership and later searched about their report. Even if the thought never crossed her mind.
Micha met her groupmate at 9 o’clock in the morning. She’s this exited, huh? She asked for her friend Arreilla to write for the visuals and Arreilla asked Gracie’s help. ‘this will going to be awesome----errr---- reporting?’ her groupmates looked at her, disbelievingly. But then again she smile just like the old times

My smiles shows a smile of perfection
It does not reveal my real emotion
My laughters may proclaim that I ‘m happy
But I feel a self-pity

Micah write everything in a piece of paper. The past that she had remembered.

‘Maybe I need to sleep now..’ said Micah as she looked at Neville Longbottom’s picture at the left side of the wall, ‘…. Good night, my love’ she looked like a crazy psychopath but that doesn’t matter anymore,  what matters now is, how to sleep?

She threw herself In her bed and closed her eyes, great isn’t it?

Micah woke up with a swelling and red eyes. That’s what you get, Micah, she thought herself but smiled sadly. Micah composed herself and stand up. She’s dizzy. For Pete sake!!! She did not even drink a gallon of vodka and tequilla! ‘ouch!’ Micah groaned as she felt a bit pain in her eye balls ‘that’s the consequences of your Dramas.’ Whispered Micah. Intrapersonal communication again, aren’t we? She always does that.

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