mythical Gods

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There are two branches of God, first is the gods and second is God. the gods are the branch that we humans created, we created it through our power of belief and imagination, this is the power all humans have, we are able to make our thought come to live simply by deeply imagine them  come to life, and it all started when judas betrayed God, when he did that he wished God was not the ruler who ruled us, so with all that  harted he was able to imagine deeply a whole new branch of rulers gods stating with zeus, and I am involved in all this how I asked, well.... you were chosen said luke, he had been given me a lesson ever scence I told him about my prophecy, wish I had just  kept my mouth shut, um like one probelem I still dont know what I am chosen for, you were chosen as one of the 9 gaurdian of the gates of hell, and what does the gaurdain do i hope it doing nothing and just having my normal life back, well not right, the nine garduain keep the demon that comes out in check and by in check I mean by killing them when ever the cause trouble . And yes that how my day started, I have to go out to a completely random world where monsters who could possibly kill me exits, sigh, how did I get my self in this mess now.  

After breakfast, a girl with brown hair and blond hair walks up to me and says, hmph you are one of the guardians? don't look like much to me you kinda look like a dimwit, dimwit. well nice to meet you to I replied with a fake smile on my face, like common who meets someone for the first time and talk mean about the person like hmph hmph hmph not going to be on list of friends little girl, who you calling little girl I am actually 18 and you must be 19 she said and I do not want to be friends with a dimwit, dimwit., wait how did you just know what I said in my mind I asked shocked do you have some kind of superpowers is asked still shocked, no duh she said in a rude tone, like how rude could she get. I have the superpower to read minds, dimwit you said your thought out loud have you not ever lived with someone and say stuff in your mind about them, actually no. could you just get to the point about why you are here, first of all, my name is Lucy (whats up with the l in this place, first luke then lucy then lucifer oh wow) and I am here to take you to the boys' dorm, but aren't you a girl, I can be if I want to said a male voice.     

I  hope you guys like this book, I worked really hard on it, I will update every Thursday.

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