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It was June 6, 2018, ten years before the Apocalypse. It was the year the truth was revealed. I never thought it was going to happen. I had waited patiently for seven years since I learned about Christ. I am about 19 now and I still can't believe it. From now on belief in Christ, those were the exact and last words I had heard her say before she disappeared in a flash. The Apocalypse had started. GOD was getting tired of how we humans were, at his right side stood Jesus and at his left stood the greatest man in Christ Enoch Adeyemi. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, sure I believed in GOD and everything, but this was mind blowing actually seeing him in person. It was unbelievable! Every inch of my worry was washed away, I felt no pain, the feeling of being with my mom and dad was with me again. I took a step forward I knew it was a foolish move to do but I did it anyway, and I bowed. STEP FORWARD MY SON, GOD SAID YOU HAVE LIVED YOUR FIRST NINE YEARS WITH ME, FOLLOWING MY LEGACY, YOU ARE SPECIAL THAN MOST KIDS AND I GRANT YOU MY POWER TO BE ABLE TO ACCOMPANY ME IN THE COMING REVOLUTION. AND STEP FORWARD THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN MY NAME FROM NOW ON THIS IS WILL OF GOD. about half of my town... just then I realized I was not in my town, a lot of people were there like it was Pangaea. JESUS stepped forward and said, THE RAPTURE HAS BEGUN.

Male and female in white with white wings flew all over the place, the ground opened swallowed people who I think was the unbeliever and spat them out back, when they were spat out the had a dark shadow looming over them while the angels carried the believers and dropped them the landed on their feet like cats, and just; like the unbeliever the believers were covered in a white aura with angels as the aura. This is called angel power a voice said in my mind, angel power is the power GOD gave his followers to aid him in this war rapture had truly begun. Who are you i asked the voice in my head, i am your angel it replied,my name is Niro, one of a kind in then thousand years the first one to be born so I am the closest to GOD and the strongest I belonged to Abraham but now I belong to you so are we going to keep chatting and making intros or are we going to aid GOD in this war? One problem I said I do not know how to battle or fight, do not worry boy or should i say peter, you just have to summon your sword it is called liomorae so say come out liomorae and lets get this started, oh and one thing keep the- come out liomorae I said cutting my angel from speaking and at that moment my body turned into a ball of light. oh no, what have i done? You will find out soon Peter, said a dark and shallow voice, The creature was huge and red it had black horns, all over it body was a number the forbidden number. Is....is....is that what I think it is.

Get out of the way yelled Niro, as a spear came crashing down on me real fast, oops I missed, said the devil, i wouldn't miss next, he was cut off by a sword in his back, Jesus had stabbed him with his sword, you must get to camp so, James would be waiting for you i would keep Mr Lucifer in check. Keep me in check mocked the devil, i am way stronger than you. CLASH, SLASH, CLASH, the devil, and Jesus went on the head to head. What about GOD i asked niro, he is at his throne answering the prayers of the believers and giving them their angel power, now let's stop talking and get to camp, Which camp I asked, you would know when you get there, all over blood spilled cry of pain went on as the unbelievers were forced through a door, YES!!! the door of hell is being closed, what is the door of hell i asked niro, it is the door that the unbilers demonpower came out from, and now there are being sent back we are going to win!!!!, niro said (or you can say screamed scene my eardrums are ringing), as we enter a gate. A tall skinny man came out from the entrance and said, "COME IN COME WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!!!, And in i went that day with no idea who was that where i was, and what the heck is happening here.

Hey guys i am king125enoch i hope you like my webtoon i worked hard on this and please spread the word about this, bye and thank you.

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