Chapter 2

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(Y/N) lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. What time was it? One in the morning, maybe?

She closed her eyes, waiting for her already fuzzy mind to give into sleep. As she did so, she allowed old memories to resurface, playing over her eyelids like a movie.

"Were you lonely?"

A young Hozuki stared up at her, blinking in response to her question.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you mean."

(Y/N) knelt next to him, hands shaking in her lap. It wasn't like her to speak up like this, but something about the young oni drew her to him.

"You said you were an orphan, and your village sacrificed you. Weren't you lonely there?"

Hozuki looked away from her. "No. I wasn't lonely."

(Y/N) wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "I know you're lying."

"I'm not lying."

But he never pushed her off.

Thunder crashed in the sky. (Y/N) jumped, letting out a small cry. Hozuki, Uzu, Yomogi, and (Y/N) had snuck out of Yomi—Hozuki's idea. Now they were stranded in a shrine in the Mortal Realm. It was the dead of night. (Y/N) and Hozuki, were the only ones awake, sitting in a corner to 'keep watch.'

Lightning flashed, followed by a deafening crack of thunder. The oni girl screamed, clinging to Hozuki's sleeve.

"Hozuki," she whispered, "I'm scared."

"It's just lightning," he replied matter-of-factly. "It can't hurt you."

"Y-yeah. You're right."

She forced her shaking hands off his arm, and curled them into fists in her lap. As soon as she'd steadied her breathing, there was another crack of thunder. She clung to him once more, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I'm so useless."

"Yes, you are."

Under normal circumstances, she would have been angry, but there, sobbing into his shoulder, she didn't have the heart.

He raised his free hand, and gently patted her head. Her breathing steadied, and he stood up.

"Wait here," he told her, "I'll be back."


Before she could finish a response, he disappeared into the pelting rain.

(Y/N) tried to follow him, but the lightning flashed again. She fell to her knees, a sob breaking free of her throat. She was certain, despite all reason, that he was dead, and she was trapped in a storm with no one remotely competent to protect her.

Before she could lose all hope, however, someone grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet.

When she opened her eyes, Hozuki was there, soaking wet but very much alive.

She threw her arms around his neck. He promptly pushed her off, and handed her two balls of moss, about the size of marbles.

"Here," he said. "Now you won't be able to hear the thunder."

Seduction--Hozuki x Reader (Hozuki no ReitetsuWhere stories live. Discover now