Jonah's Ex

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Cyrus's P.O.V
"Jonah who is it?" I asked getting up. My face had dropped once I reached the door.

"Can I talk to you guys for a second?" This mysterious person asked.
"Why? You wanna murder us again?" Jonah replied.
"That's what I want to talk about. I'm changing my ways." The person answered.

Really? I don't believe for a second that Noa- shoot! I wasn't supposed to reveal yet!!! Me and my big mouth!

Anyways. So if you remember, Noah is a Psychopath who tried killing Jonah and I because we 'stole' TJ away from him.

"Jonah. We should give him a chance." I said.
"Thank you Cyrus." Noah replied.
"You're welcome." I smiled.

After several long minutes of listening to Noah speak, I've realized that he was never such a bad guy.

He was just insecure about losing friends I guess.

"Wow... I'm sorry for judging you all these years." Jonah apologized.
"Me too... You seem like a cool dude." I said smiling again.

I saw him start to blush... Wait what?! I thought Jonah is the only one I could make blush... Somethings up.

Maybe my thoughts are just going all over. Maybe...

"Are you ok Cyrus?" Jonah asked worried.
"Huh?! Yep! I'm totally fine! Not think about crap!" I answered nervously.

I smiled nervously. Noah and Jonah smirked. Well I blushed at Jonah but I think Noah thought I started blushing because of him...

"Cyrus why would you do that?" Noah asked.
"Do what?" I asked him.
"Didn't you just blush at me?" He asked again.
"What?! I was blushing because of Jonah... which I should've kept that a secret..." I answered.

Jonah looked at me and smiled. I guess he liked that I finally said it... let's hope.

"Is it ok if I stay the night? I have no home..." Noah asked.
"Sure... I guess." Jonah answered.
"Thank you so much!" Noah exclaimed hugging Jonah.

Jonah was confused. I started to get jealous for a second until he let go. Wait... Why am I getting jealous of a hug? It's just a hug... Doesn't mean anything right?

No... It shouldn't. Hugs are hugs. They don't mean anything to me... but what if it does? Come on Cyrus! Stop with this non sense!

Jonah loves you. He doesn't love any other guy. At least I hope he doesn't. Ok seriously?! I'm why am I doing this?

I should be acting up this way. Do I need to tell Jonah? I have to. He gave me a promise ring. I have to tell him.

"Uh.. Jonah can I speak to you for a second?" I asked.
"Sure." He answered.
"I'm asking his because I've been questioning things for some reason. But do you like any other guys?" I asked.

"What? How'd that idea pop up in your head?" He replied.
"I don't know....... It's been one of the thoughts that just randomly come and go." I answered.

He smiled and kissed my cheek, "there's no other guy I'd want to be with right now besides you."

I smiled and kissed back. That just made my day. Ok! So now that I know that Jonah loves me with his heart, I can get back to doing what I do best.

Loving Jonah even more!!!! I forgot Noah was still her- where'd he go?

"Noah?!" We called out.

There was no answer. We tried again. After a few minutes of waiting, there was no answer. I saw a note on the floor.

Had to leave. Cops were chasing me. See you soon. I'll be back.... One day... Ready to be friends with you guys!

I thought that was going a different way. I guess not. Wait... He said cops were chasing him... HE ESCAPED FROM JAIL JUST TO TELL US THAT?!

Could he get any crazier? When I returned from my thoughts, I saw Jonah's hazel eyes look at me.

I didn't seem to pay attention to them at first but then I saw them sparkle so I turned towards him.

"What?" I asked smiling.
"Nothing." He answered.
"Come on! Tell me please!" I whined.
"No. You'll have to get it out of me." Jonah replied.
"Ok." I laughed jumping on top of him. I pinned him against the floor and kissed him. His eyes sparkled again.

He didn't have anything to say. He just wanted me to kiss him. He could've just said so. We started kissing again.

We heard the doorbell ring. I immediately jumped up.

"Cy... Sh... we can still do this just pretend we're not here." Jonah said softly.

We started to kiss again as the pounding door got louder.

"Jonah it's not going to stop." I said.
"Eh. You're right. Sorry we had to end it." Jonah replied.

We opened the door and I had seen Amber. My ex girlfriend besides Andi.

"Amber?!" Jonah asked shocked.
"Hey babe." Amber said.
"Wait what? I asked concerned.
"Amber! We broke up like a while ago. You can't call me that." Jonah quickly said.

Amber looks at me. She gave me a death stare... It was creepy like she wanted me to die.
"Jonah. Who are you dating now?" Amber asked annoyed.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Jonah snapped back.
"Yeah, that's why I asked." She replied.

I can't take this any longer. Those two fight for hours. Sometimes it just gets annoying. I mean, Jonah as been lying that he wasn't dating me which I'm ok with. Amber is scary.

"I'm not dating anyone." Jonah lied.
"Then why don't you get back together with me?" Amber asked.
"No. I was never happy with you!" Jonah almost yelled.

I had stayed quite. Amber seemed to look at me every once in a while.  Jonah seemed to notice.

"Stop looking at my boyfriend him you slut!" Jonah yelled. "Oh no... Cyrus I'm sorry..."
"It's ok. I've got you back." I replied.

"You're dating this fag?!" She asked angrily.
"He's not a fag!" Jonah yelled.
"Yeah He is and your life with never be the same!" She yelled at me.

She had that one look in her eye that scared the living crap out of me. I hid half of my face behind Jonah's shoulder.

"Pussy." Amber said to me.
"Excuse me what'd you call him?!" Jonah asked angrily.

She jumped back a bit and I stopped hiding behind Jonah.

"I suggest you leave before things get worse." I said.
"What are you going to do about this?" She asked laughing at me.
"Oh, he won't be doing anything. I'll make your life miserable." Jonah replied with more anger coming out of him.

He's so brave...  I wish I could do that... Be someone brave, not picked on, etc. etc. Jonah slammed the door on her face as he turned to me with a pool or tears ready to fall out of his eyes.

"Hey. Hey... No crying. You stood up to her. You stood up for me. She means nothing to us." I said whipping one of the pools.

He smiled as the other pool dropped.

"We'll be ok. Don't worry. Nothings going to happen." I told him.
What I had said to Jonah last night was a total lie. This day got so bad... I wanna die...

HEY! There will be possibly another chapter out today! I'm still not sure. I know that there will be a sequel to this book because I realized you can only go up to 200 chapters so... ANYWAYS! This story is slowly coming to end. Right now we're at the climax, the turning point of it all! Lol anyways! See ya later!

I'm scaring me too... (a Jyrus fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now