Andi's devastation.

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Buffy's P.O.V
"You two are dating?!" I shouted shocked.
"You didn't figure that out?" TJ asked shocked.
"Hold on. You knew?!" Jonah asked blushing.
"What about me Jonah..." Andi said softly
"A-Andi..." Cyrus said trying not to cry. I looked at Cyrus in shock. Hmm... I knew that Cyrus had a crush on Jonah but him and Jonah dating, is something I would not have thought of. Andi's probably devastated.
"Cyrus. You and Jonah are dating and you broke up with me cause you liked Cyrus?!" Andi yelled.
"Andi calm down." I said.
"YOU KNEW?!!" She shouted at me.
"Andi!" I shouted at her. "Just because Jonah left you for him, doesn't mean this is about you! Not everything is." I saw Andi's eyes tear up and she ran out the door. I ran after her.
TJ's P.O.V
What just happened? Andi running out like that. Wait. Jonah and Andi were dating? Since when? I'm asking to many questions I can't answer. I looked at Jonah and Cyrus.
"Tell me. What's her deal?" I asked.
"It's nothing..." Jonah said softly.
"It's obviously something. Just tell us what's going on." I replied
"I already know what's up with Andi." Cyrus said. I was about to leave the spoon to run after them.
"Don't bother. Andi needs a 'girl to girl' talk." Jonah said annoyed. I sighed as we sat at a booth.
Andi's P.O.V
This can't be happening... Jonah broke up with me to be with my best friend... well at least we use to be friends. I saw Buffy run up to me.
"Buffy, leave me alone..." I said softly.
"Seriously? Why are you moody?" She asked annoyed.
"Buffy! Jonah and Cyrus betrayed me!" I shouted.
"Andi! They're happy! Just leave it." She yelled.
"Why are you on their side?!" I asked angrily.
"I'm on their side because your acting like a complete bitch!" Buffy shouted.
"Andi. I'm not gonna be your friend if you treat me like this. We're done!" She shouted as she ran away.
Buffy's P.O.V
I ran back to the spoon and saw the boys sitting down. I walked in with my head down.
"Where's andi?" Cyrus asked curious.
"Doesn't matter. We're not her friend anymore." I said in a tone.
"What happened?!" Jonah asked nervously.
"Doesn't matter. All you need to know is that she doesn't deserve us." I answered. TJ looked at me. He put his hand on mine.
"Buffy, I know we mostly hate each other but, you'll always have me to rant to. You know that right?" He said inspirational.
"Why are you being so nice?" I asked.
"I care about you guys." He answered. I looked shocked and we ate our baby taters.
Jonah's P.O.V
In school we saw andi by herself crying. I was gonna walk over there but Buffy pulled me back. Gosh... why is it so hard! Me and Cyrus dating is ruining friendships... I don't think I'm ok with this... I don't wanna hurt his feelings though... I don't know what to do. Should I break his heart or let friendships be ruined even more than they are now? Whatever happens it's a lose-lose game. I'm gonna tell him...
Hey guys! Sorry for another cliff hanger but , I know that this chapter was quiet boring but I didn't have anything in mind so I just started to write. If anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them! Enjoy the rest of your day!

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