Chapter 2: Apparition

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"Well? Gonna say hello or are you trying to hurt my feelings?" Maxwell said with that ever so familiar smirk from back in the day.

"H-How are you here?" Wilson said, still in shock.

"Oh Wilson, even after all this time you still think the same rules that bind you effect me?

"I watched the real Maxwell die, crumble to dust in front of me. You can't be here."

"I don't remember saying the original dying meant my own demise.

"However you're still here seems rather irrelevant at the moment. What I want to know is why the hell you're here."

"Straight to business eh? Usually you'd at least indulge me with some back and forth. Anyways I'm here because I need your help."

"What would the shadowy apparition of a former asshole need from me?" Wilson said as he crossed his arms.

"Ah there's the witty retort I'm used to. Back to the matter at hand. I need your help to... Free myself."

"Free yourself? First of asking someone for help would mean they would be freeing you and not freeing yourself, second what do you want to be freed from?"

"Your failed attempt at humor aside, I want to be freed from the shackles of the throne."

"I could have sworn it was the other Maxwell that was held captive by the throne."

"He was, but I was an extension of him. As you said I should have perished when he did. But since Charlie took the throne she has kept me alive through some means. I can't even tell if it's because of some sentimental reason concerning the death of the real Maxwell or if it's because she wants to torture me for sharing his face. Either way I need you to find a way to sever my ties to the throne. Being stuck in this limbo is worse than any hell." Maxwell said looking down at his hands.

"Hmm..." Wilson pondered for a moment. There were certainly pros and cons to this proposal. The pros being he could erase the last trace of Maxwell from the world and that he'd get the satisfaction of technically killing Maxwell. The cons being it could upset Charlie and that Maxwell may be tricking him.

"Please Wilson... Help out an old pal."

"Fine... Though I can't exactly contribute much time to this little task of yours, I mean I am a father now and not just in the adoptive sense."

"Ah yes, I noticed. A bright young girl, must've gotten it from the gentleman scientist. I did wait till after she left to show myself, figured seeing a stranger appear out of no where might frighten the child and thus activate the odd paternal anger you and the pyromaniac seem to be seething with."

"Smart choice. Either way it'll be dark soon and I need to get back to camp. Try not to cause trouble and I may actually help you." Wilson said as he walked past the apparition, who slowly faded into mist in the wind.

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