Chapter 8.5-I Failed?

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He  failed to protect who he loved the most. 

He thought he had everything right. He never thought his best friend would betray him, but here we are.

"Yoongi, I wanna go shopping." Jimin said with such enthusiasm while laying on his boyfriend's lap while the babies were in bed.

"Why? You need to rest, you gave birth a couple days ago." The older expressed with concern petting his mate's hair.

"But I wanna get the babies some clothes. C'mon it'll be fun!"

"Okay," He hesitated, "but check with me every now and then."

"Will do!"

And with that Jimin gathered his wallet and keys. He walked out the door, got in his car and drove away. He headed to the inner part of Seoul. With shopping store galore, he was sure to be busy all day! 

He drove around for a while until he found a parking spot. Perfect! He parked and hopped right out of the car. 


Jimin walked around for about 2 hours. Nothing new catching his eye, until...There it was. Stood in a heavy decorated store window, the perfect gift. It was children's clothes, but they looked so adorable. He just had to buy them. Little onesies with blue and white stripes in them. Perfect for the pups!!

He walked into the store to purchase them. Received a bag in return, and proceeded to head out.  It was already night out? Wow, did he shop late, or what? Pups! Jimin remembered his family. He needed to get home and cook diner.

He walked to his car to drop off his shopping bags. But when he went to open his car door, he was pulled back. So like any human would, he turned to face whatever did this to him. A figure, way bigger than Jimin, 3x his height and muscles. He was in awe. 

"W-Who are you?" Jimin asked blindly. He couldn't see the man, it's too dark outside.

The man didn't talk, he just sniffed Jimin. Poor Jimin got all flustered. What was this man doing?!?!?

"Omega." The man suddenly spoke in a husky voice. 

Jimin froze. Omega? But his pups, and mate!!!! 

"I h-have a mate so-" Before he could finish, he was pulled back and muffled by a rag.

"Help!" He screamed, but to no avail. He was pulled towards someone before he was blindfolded. He tried to scream again. Still nothing. He heard the man's phone ring......

Then everything disappeared, he was rendered unconscious. 


Yoongi was having fun with his pups. 

"Okay, Hae-gi and Daegook, You both need to get a bath." Yoongi looked at his precious pups. So adorable, just like their Eomma. Hae-gi has Jimin's cheeks, Yoongi's nose & eyes (a soft blue), Jimin's pillow-like lips. Daegook has Jimin's cheeks & eyes (emerald green), Yoongi's nose, and lastly a combination of both parents' lips; big like jimin's, but wide like Yoongi's.

He was truly blessed with children. To even think he would never have a family to protect. 


He gave them a bath, fed them, and put their pj's on. Then it was for them to go to bed. They went to bed relatively late. Around 10 he'd say.

But, where is Jimin? He's supposed to be back by now. 

Ah! Hobi went out too! Maybe he saw Jimin by chance. Time to give him a call...



"What?" when J-hope spoke, there was muffled noises in the back.

"Have you——Where are you?"

"I'm no where important."

"Ok?...Have you seen Jimin?"

"Oh! Jimin-ah is gone?"

"Yeah! Have you seen him? He was supposed to be back by now."

"I'll let you know if I do."

"Okay, Thanks."

They hung up. Wait..WAIT!!!! How did J-hope know jimin was gone?

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