Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After- August 27 12:39 pm

Walking into the cafeteria was a group of five guys. The guy in the middle was, well gorgeous. Typically, heartbreakingly gourgeous. The all were scary as hell.

The guy in front had black hair, darker than mine like the sky at midnight. His eyes were like obsidian. His face sculpted perfectly, high cheekbones, a nose that was slightly  crooked, as if it had been broken more than once and never healed. Full lips and strong jaw. Tall with perfect body, his abs and chest visible through his tight black t-shirt. A couple of bars went through his right brow. Made him look even sexier. Ragged jeans and combat books completed the assemble.

He was flanked by two guys on either side who were equally sexy, but he was clearly the leader. Sluts fawned and tried despretly to get their attention, but they headed  to the best seat set in the cafe. An acessment showed that we were in a slightly less desirable location, and my boys seemed to be popular here, considering they were jocks.

But these badass guys were clearly the best. Theylounged on chairs and looked  like a scene in a movie. I looked at Jason.

"Who are THEY?" I asked, loking incredulous.

Kieran answered,almost mockingly, " That's Linkk Anderson, Darren Hartford, Finn Colt, Rico Marquez, and Jax Masterson. They are your local badass's. Jax is the most 'badass' of them all. He's the one you need to worry about. I guess they skipped all morning"  

I snorted, "Really? More like your local slut magnets in matching jackets. Some fake in a pair of ripped jeans with an eye bar isn't tough. And who skips all day only to come to lunch? "

Jason, Kieran, and Quinn laughed, but a couple of barbies seemed less than happy with me. "YOU wouldn't know would you, you little dork. Why are you here anyway?" A barbie hanging off my brother sneered.

Adrian glared and let her drop to the floor, "That's my sister you stupid bitch, get the fuck off me."

She looked up at him with horror, before huffing and flouncing away, taking the rest of the slut squad with her. They strutted over to the 'badass' table and the leader 'Jax', grabbed lead barbie and pulled her into his lap. I rolled my eyes in disgust and turned back to see Parker walking up.

" Hey Parker!" I said cheerfully. He smiled and nodded to me, before slumping into a chair and eating some fries. I stole some from Adrian and the rest of lunch went by well. The guys were really funny, eve quiet Parker and flirty Quinn got along with me well. They pulled jokes and i mouthed off. They were like more brothers. Adrian seemed happy too. His face, which had always seemed quiet and withdrawn since it happened, was open and he joked like a total guy with them. I smiled.

As long as Adrian was happy, i didn't really care. I  had made the right choice, trying to be myself. All i had to do was let go of the past. Shove it all down. Forget before. I could do it.

As if it never happened.

Glancing over my shoulder, I almost missed the pair of flashing obsidian eyes, watching me over the blonde girls shoulder.

* * *

The AP Psychology room had a big window in the back, one i zeroed in on and took a soon as I could. Settling down i looked outside, smiling lightly at the view of the woods. My smile fell. Memories of another forest, on another day.

" I'll always protect you Kinsley."

NO! I will not remember! I looked back to the front of the room with a groan, and my horrible day got worse.

Jax Masterson and his crew strutted in. Of course, i heard the girls tittering right at that moment, that I was sitting in Jax's seat.


He smirked right at me and in a honey smooth-yet-sexy-rough-voice said, "Hey kitten, I hear you're new around here."

I snorted (I seem to be doing that a lot lately), "Wow, you figured that out on your own? How smart! What is it that you want again?"

His smirk only grew, "You've got fire, the kitten has claws i suppose. I want you of course."

I laughed at that. "Are you kidding me? Do you think about the things you say? Or do they just come out of you mouth spastically."

His smirk dissapeared. "I say what i think babe. And i think you look great, but maybe you'd look better on my bed."

"I looked over to the kid next to me, some pertfifed lookig nerd, " Is this guy joking?"

He glared, "Look bitch, you listen to me around here. This is my school. You'd better figure out that you're just some new girl. I could crush you in an instant." He reached for  me then.

I put up a hand to stop him, "Touch me," I snarled, " And you will regret it."

He smirked and kept reaching.

My visioned sharpened, and i was in another place. The hand that reached for me was no longer golden. It was scarred and pale. I felt the adrenaline surge through my veins and my limbs tensed. Not again. No more please. I couldn't let him touch me.

In the same instant i ducked under his hand and snapped my palm into his elbow, i heard a gasp of suprise and i was up, taking my other hand around and snapping it into his neck. The body fell past me, stumbling forward. I raised a foot to kick his spine, but he whirled and grabbed my foot, putting it down hard and grabbing my forearms. He was so strong, he lifted me up easily and restrained my arms.

No. the sound exploded. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could see nothing in this blurry place, only this figure, who was going to hurt me, hurt me, hurt me hurt me hurt me hurtmehurtmehurtme.

My face stung suddenly and i heard a voice through this gray place, a voice i recognized.

"Kinsley! Kinsley its Adrian! Come back to me! Please Kinsley!"



Suddenly i could see again, like i'd come above water. I was being held my my forearms by a figure behind me. The classroom was empty save me my brother and new people...

Jason! Jason and Kieran and Parker and Quinn. And 4 other boys. Wearing leather jackets. And one more holding me. The fifth.

" Adrian?" I whispered.

His soft brown eyes filled with relief and sighed, "God Kinsley, it happened again! What did..." his eyes narrowed on the person behind me,


Adrian ripped me from Jax's arms, pushing me behind him, "You don't know her! If she says no she's means it dickhead!"

Jax's handsome face rippled in anger, " I didn't do anything! I reached out to grab her hand and she attacked me and flipped out when i stopped her from killing me! What the fuck did SHE do!"

Adrian's face turned six shades of red and he screamed, "Don't you ever think? You reached out without thinking and-"

"Adrian!" I hissed, "He didn't know. None of them do. Can we just go?" I looked at Jax fleetingly. Hi dark eyes were angry and he looked supicious. 

 I pulled Adrian out of the classroom, Kieran followed face pale, and the rest of my guys followed behind us. The psychology class was outside, whispering and staring at me when i passed. Adrian whispered something to my teacher, and she nodded and the six of us walked all the way down the hall and out the door. I could feel the eyes of Jax Masterson buring into my back.

Apparently i'm not as strong as i thought.

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