The Blame

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I know I never say it,
but I blame you

I blame you for making him feel so worthless
I blame you for making him think he was never welcomed
I blame you for his decision that he had to leave town
that he had to leave me behind

He left me, you know?
He left me alone 2,000 miles away
And I blame you
I blame you for all of it

I blame you for how much I miss him
I blame you for the tears I have shed,
knowing that he can't afford to even come back home
I blame you for the way he looks at himself in the mirror,
calling himself a shitty person that no one wants

I know I have forgiven it
I know I still love having you as a friend
But I still can't help knowing
that you're the reason why he left
You're the reason I don't have him anymore
You're to blame

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