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Hello Hunnies !! Its vanessa again ^.^ Im super sorry for not updating in a while , i've been busy & stuff . But here's an update ! Enjoy <3

~Angie's POV ; (i didnt forget you hun) ~

Ugh ! This elevator is taking forever and these grocery bags are heavy ! I pressed the button like 50 million times thinking it'll come faster .

"Stupid elevator workers .." i muttered.

Ding! The elevator doors opened and people came rushing out pushing me in the process . Holy unicorns RUN ME THE FUCK OVER WOULD YA!

I stomped into the elevator and pressed '20' and stepped back and putting the bags on the floor while i waited. I heard The Fray playing softly in the background and i hummed along to the song. My favorite band of all . As i hummed along to the song, i didn't realize that i was already at the floor. I quickly grabbed the bags and walked out the elevator and looked for nessa and lee's apartment.

I got to their apartment and opened the door. What? I practically live here!

"ness? Lee?" i called out. Hmm .. Its quiet .. Thats not normal . I walked through the hallway and into the living room .

"yo ' bitches ! They had a sale on carrots ! Isnt that awesome!? I grabbed like 10 bags !" i said while walking into the kitchen.

I saw a tall guy with his back towards me with a head full of blonde hair and brunette roots. OMG ! A robber ! The first thing on my mind was a carrot so I grabbed a carrot from my bag and hit the dude on the head with it.

" WHO-*hit* -THE-*hit*- UNICORN- *hit*-ARE-*hit*-YOU!?" i yelled.

"ANGIE! What the hell!? Thats niall horan from one direction you retart!" eliesha yelled at me while snatching the carrot from me.

My eyes widened . Holy unicorns.. I just hit niall horan with a carrot ..

"I heard CARROTS!" a voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw louis tomlinson . Hes even cuter in person !

"oh hello love . Im louis . I like carrots." he held out his hand.

"I'm a-angie . I like carrots too." i stuttered and shook his hand.

He grabbed the bags full of carrots and my hand and led me to the living room . A bolt of electricity raced through my body and i couldnt help but blush. He let my hand go and sat on the sofa.

"sit love" he patted the seat next to him and i sat down.

"so tell me about yourself. Btw ; did i mention that you're just beautiful?" he grabbed a carrot from the bag and bit it.

"thanks .. And uh w-well .. My names angie , im 17 turning 18 in a month .. " and from there we got to know each other ..

~~ Elieshas POV; ~~

After that little incident with angie attacking niall, i was cleaning up the kitchen and telling niall about me eating crayons when i was little.

"you ate CRAYONS!? Did you like shit out a rainbow or something??" his irish accent boomed through my ears like a melody.

"yeah. I ate crayons when i was little and no niall, i did NOT shit out a rainbow .. Sadly" i said while smiling at him.

"awwh man! I was hopping that you wou-" i cut niall off when i saw vanessa run past the kitchen with tears running down her face.

"hold that thought" i put my finger up and ran after vanessa.

"VANESSA! HOLD ON! VANESSA!!" i yelled as i ran after her. I stopped and took a breath.

What the fuck did harry do to her!? My face grew hot and i walked back into the apartment.

I stomped my way into the living room to see harry with his face in his hands and sitting on the sofa.

I walked up to him. "HAROLD EDWARD STYLES ! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER YOU FUCKTARD!!" i lifted him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"Lee , i s-swear i didnt do anything ! A-all i did was lean in for a kiss and she ran out. I didnt do a-anything , i s-swear ! " he stuttered his eyes full of horror.

I let him go and stared into his eyes. "if you hurt my sister in ANY way , you will regret ever being alive styles , AM I CLEAR!?" i yelled .

"y-yes lee" he stuttered. "im going to look for her to see whats wrong with her." he ran out the apartment.

"he better hope shes fine .." i muttered under my breath.

~~ vanessa's POV ; ~~

".. And then she said 'harry harry ! Give me some of your gravy!' and i laughed so hard when she said that" i couldn't help but laugh so hard when he mimicked the older woman. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"are you serious!? Thats hilarious!" i said in between laughs.

It was silent for a moment as harry stared at me. I looked at the keys of the piano feeling insecure. I looked back up at harry as a piece of my curl bounced in front of my face. Harry pushed the piece behind my ear and leaned forward. I felt myself leaning in but then flashes of memories raced threw my mind of me and jeremy and i couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm s-sorry" i got up and ran out the room with tears streaming down my face. I ran through the living room and towards the door passing the kitchen. I opened the door and ran.

I heard my name being yelled as i ran towards the stairs knowing that the elevator would take forever to get here.

I ran down the flights , through the lobby and out the glass doors and i ran to the park that held every memory i ever had since i was young..  

I walked through the familiar street and I looked to my left and saw a small park. The edges of my mouth curved up into a smile, recalling old memories. 


"Push me higher, daddy!" My 4 year old self called out, pumping my legs to get the swing to move faster. I laughed as his hands connected with my back, pushing me higher and causing the swing set to shake slightly.

"ELIESHA HUNNY! BE CAREFUL ON THE SLIDE ! ... NO NO DONT PUSH THE LITTLE GIRL ! NO . NO DONT PULL HER HAIR ! .. " dad stopped pushing me and ran to eliesha to stop her from beating up the little girl who pushed her.

I stopped the swing by kicking my feet on the green grass below me and saw a little boy. He had short dark brown hair that slightly spiked on the top of his head and he was slightly tanned with dark brown eyes that made me catch my breath. I got off the swing and walked towards him.

"hi ! Im jeremy!" the little boy said with a toothy grin causing his dimples show slightly .

"im v-vanessa .." i blushed looking down.

"wanna play on the slide?" he said while taking my hand.

"ok .." i blushed a bit and smiled .

[flashback over]

~~ Im sorry if this chapter was sucky ! But i pinky promise that it will get better soon ! I swear to unicorns ! ^.^ anywhore .. If you want to keep in contact with me and you want to be updated on the story add my kik ; AlexMarie1D ; talk to me loves ! <3

Ta Ta for now my loves ! :* & dont forget to tell your friends about this story ! <3

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