Hooray! Wait What?!?!

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I got home and checked my messages. Only one- from Mark. "So I've decided I'll try harder to get over Katheryne." is all it says. I replied immediately to this.

"Yes Mark, yes!"

"I don't know how. Please help me!"

"I can't. I've told you everything I can already."

"Okay. Thanks." This sounded insincere to me.

"Is that sarcasm I hear?"

"No! I really am thankful. For three months nobody's stuck by my side and tolerated me like you have."

Suddenly I knew he could do it. I could trust him to make it through this.

Three weeks later, I woke up to a bright sun and my phone buzzing obnoxiously. "Aaauuugh," I moaned as I groped around for the buzzing device. Everything was blurry from sleep in my eyes as I picked up the SmartPhone and strained my mind to remember my passcode. I typed in the chain of numbers- 8774- and read the text that woke me up. I focused my blurry eyes, then rubbed them until the little words became readable. Finally I read the text; from Mark. Everything had been surprisingly calm and unworried ever since he told me he would move on. I read the text.

"Emma I did it!! I finally did it!!!"

"Did what?!?!" I replied frantically, shocked by his utter enthusiasm.

"I've moved on. I like another girl."

I shoved my face in my pillow and squealed with delight. The tension was over, finally. Suddenly realization and curiosity swept through my body like a rapid hurricane. "Who is she?!?!?!" I responded with equal enthusiam to his first message. After this I waited quite a while before his response arrived. The moment it did, I was halfway done reading it.

"The girl I like is- " and then my stupid phone died. Ugh. Hurriedly I searched high and low for my charger, but overlooked it several times before I found it. The second I found it I lunged for it, as though I was competing to get it. Slowly and madly I pulled it up in front of my eyes and mumbled, "There you are...." then jabbed it into the wall. Then I jabbed the other end into my phone. As I waited for the dead phone to resume functioning, names of girls I know piling up in my brain. Alyssa? Jamie? Suzanne? Errg it was all to painful. Suddenly a light blinded my eyes. The phone was on! I punched in the numbers of my passcode hurriedly to see the name of the girl he liked. As I read the name it didn't register in my mind as anybody I knew. Who could it be? But as I racked my brain for faces to match the name, realization surged into my body. The name of the girl belonged to me. Emma.

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