The Mash Up

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Chapter 2: The Mash Up

Bella POV:

ME: is everyone ready?

OTHER GIRLS: ya totally ready

ME: let's go!

*all the girls run outside the house and stops at the pool scared*

HAILEY: omg I'm scared to just jump in


ME: omg u people r babies *jumps in pool*

NALA: I'm brave to. *jumps in with bella*

CLAIRE: shut up bella I am not a baby

JAY: woah!!! Calm down Claire you getting all defensive

CLAIRE: jay shut up too you f*cking bum

NALA: I know you are not talking to jay like that cuz I will f*ck you up. Ok get it straight.

*hailey gets in convo*

Hailey: who u talking to nala

NALA: the b*tch standing in front of me. Who else


*nelle comes and sees what is going on*

ME: what the h3ll is going on here!

*everyone points to hailey and claire*

*they did it(everyone said)*

ME: I don't care who did it but everyone get along or I will be sending people back home. Understood!?

Yes*everyone replied*


ME: nelle come here *whispering*

NELLE: wassup?

ME: u know that girl hailey?


ME: she thinks she is the boss of everybody and she can boss others around. its annoying u need to tell her to calm her nerves.

*hailey over hears their conversation*

NELLE: ok I will tell her

ME: ok thanx*jumps in pool*


*hailey gets out the pool and asks claire to come with her*

CLAIRE: what?

HAILEY: I overheard Kay's and nelles conversation and kay was talking about me?!

CLAIRE: wtf!!? are you serious

HAILEY: so serious

CLAIRE: looks like we gotta beat some a$$ today.

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