'I don't have a housing here.'

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" Urggh, Why is that girl's stupid face not leaving my head ", Manik irritatedly shut the files and his laptop.

"That girl is going to drive me mad. ", Manik closed his eyes but her face kept flashing in front of him.

He pressed the intercom and called Aman, his PA to the room immediately. 

" Aman, I need you to find something for me, rather someone. And if this news gets leaked anywhere because the way you have done the work isn't secretive enough, then I swear I will shoot you dead. ", Manik told him and he gave a slight nod though he was shaking with fear.

" Note her features down. Then find her. ", Manik said and Aman's eyes widened. He was expecting a photo to be given to him not the list of features. It was going to take forever to find that girl now. 

" Can I call a sketch artist instead? He would be able to draw the lady... ", Aman tried to reason out, he was hell scared, he had just dared to ask Manik something.

"NO, Manik roared, I don't care how much effort you have to put but I can't risk her photo being leaked out."

" Yess sir", Aman stammered and he pulled out a pen and started noting down.

 " She has jet black hair, straightened till I think about her waist. She has hazel doe eyes which are very expressive. She was short and chubby as well. And... I don't know anything more. ", Manik thought about her, he didn't mention about her pouty big lips because he didn't want to have a negative reputation.

Aman sighed looking at the list, there would be a thousand girls like that, how would he find her? Aman gave a nod and left the cabin. 

It was a week later, Aman came inside with a stack of photos, he wished that the girl's photo was among these. Manik was going to kill him if it wasn't it. With small footsteps, he placed the stack on Manik's table. He turned around to leave but was held back by a commanding voice, " Stay Here"

A sweat bead rolled down Aman's head, he would have preferred that  Manik would insult him behind his back rather than screaming at him directly. Manik's aura, his chiselled jaws, the protruding muscle which stood out whenever he was angry, they made all girls swoon over him, it makes boys jealous but it threatens without an exchange of words. 

Manik looked at the first photo and tossed it on the floor. 

" Do you think I am looking for some sl*t? "

" What the hell? "

" She doesn't match any of the requirements. "

Manik kept commenting as the number of photos on the floor increased. He had refused every single one till he had reached the last few. Aman shivered as he tossed each photo on the floor, he could pray to every God, go to any religious place but he just wanted to be saved from the Monster's anger. 

Aman was scared as hell when he saw the second last photo being tossed on the floor, Manik stared at the last photo for a moment before tossing that one on the floor as well. 

" Not one of these photos matched all the descriptions, What the heck are you doing? Sleeping? Well, Get up then because you aren't paid for that. I expect you to work diligently being a part of the Malhotra Industries. ", Manik screamed at him and Aman immediately bent down to pick up all the photos. 

" Don't waste time doing that. Call for the cleaner. I want you to find the girl I told by tomorrow. ", Manik told and Aman immediately got up and escaped. 

Manik got up and buttoned up his coat, he needed to have some escape. He ringed up his best buddy, Cabir Dhawan and invited him to the club. 

The duo sat facing each other drinking. 

" You should really hook up with some girl you know. I can't believe the rumoured playboy is actually a virgin. ", Cabir remarked and Manik kicked him. 

" Shut Up. Every billionaire doesn't have to be a playboy. Just because I am rich and have so many things at my command doesn't necessarily mean I have to take advantage of the fact. "

" Yeah Right! You stay here, I am going to find someone. ", Cabir rolled his eyes and disappeared into the crowd. 

Manik got out of the club, coming here wasn't helpful at all. He put his hands in the pocket and started walking. Perhaps, That would give him some escape. 

He walked down into a dark alley, it was a lonely spot except for some drunkards. He continued walking down when he felt two hands hug him tightly. He looked down to see a lady hugging him tightly, her face hidden in his chest and she was visibly shivering. 

" Leave our girl", He heard a scream from behind, he understood what had been happening. 

" Relax, Nothing is going to happen. ", He whispered to her and he felt her relax but her grip on him didn't loosen.

" Just leave her alone. ", Manik yelled back at them. 

The men took a step towards her and Manik screamed again, " You don't want to know what Manik Malhotra can do. " 

" That was it. The men took two steps backwards and ran back. 

" You can look up now. They have gone. ", Her grip on him loosened and she took a few steps back. 

" MY girl. ", He softly whispered, inaudibly to her. 

" You were the one I crashed with, in the morning right? ", She asked and Manik let out a sigh of relief. 

" At least she remembers. ", He thought to himself. 

" Thanks a lot for saving me from these people. ", She tucked back a strand of hair falling on her face. 

" No problem. Let me drop you back home, it is very late. ", Manik offered. 

" Woh Actually. I don't have a housing here. ", She spoke which left Manik surprised.

~ Finding Love doesn't mean getting someone to live your  life with, it means finding someone whom you can't live without.~

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