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First of all, I'd like to apologize. I know I haven't updated this in a while and I might have lost valuable readers but, I have a good reason. I just started college. and yes, I'm still adjusting.. okay so I'm probably blabbering. This chapter isn't much as you must have been expecting since I haven't uploaded a single chapter in a while. It's sort of a prep chapter for the next one. Just to set the mood and everything so yes, please don't kill me :) 



Two days have passed and it’s now the day before the party. I still can’t quite grasp the idea of what happened between me and Jared that one night. It was so surreal. I’m not even sure if it really happened or if it had just been a figment of my imagination. I was so tired that night from the tedious work of shopping and the fight between him and Aunt G. I must have gone to bed and dreamed about the part where he hugged me and I hugged him back, but no. One look from him and I could tell. I could tell that he too felt somehow restless and uneasy.

Aunt G and Jared weren’t talking to each other. They have been avoiding each other for quite some time and I find it very disturbing. I guess they haven’t resolved there issues yet and I doubt they’ll be able to reconcile soon enough. Family matters always come from something deep.

As for me and Jared, well, we’re not totally avoiding each other. More like, trying to spend as little time together as possible. Okay fine, I might be avoiding him just a little. Well, he’s obviously doing the same thing anyway. It’s easier that way because every time we stay in each other’s company for more than three minutes, things get kind of awkward.

I thought that maybe after everything that happened between us that we would somehow magically end up opening ourselves to each other. Guess I was wrong because clearly, the exact opposite thing happened. It’s like we know how each other feels but at the same time, we don’t. I know it doesn’t make sense. Heck, I can’t even understand it myself. Maybe now just wasn’t the right time. At least not yet.

Jared seemed to have closed himself even more to me. But every time our eyes met, I saw right through him. I saw the same thing that I had seen that night when he cried his heart out to me. Try as he might, he can’t fool me.

So I decided to set aside my own personal issues with Jared and focus on helping Aunt G prepare for the party tomorrow. Yes, it’s still on. Even though Aunt G isn’t very fond of Jared right now, she still wants him to have a great party. After all, birthdays happen only once a year.

Aunt G told me that every year; Jared hosts a party for his birthday. His friends from work and college are all invited. Some of his cousins from out of town also show up sometimes. It not a big crowd but it’s still a party.

“Jared used to tell me to not hold parties for him. He’s not really into this kind of stuff. I’m too old for this and blah blah…”

Aunt G said as she placed an elegant flower arrangement on the coffee table.”

“And what do you tell him?”

“Well, I tell him that it’s a special day. And special days call for celebrations.”

Okay, so I doubt Jared was convinced by Aunt G’s reason.

“Plus, he can’t say no to me. I’ve always loved preparing for it.”

Aunt G added with a wink. I have a strong feeling that Jared only agreed to this because he wanted to satisfy Aunt G. He wanted her to be happy. Although this celebration is for his birthday, it’s more for Aunt G than for him actually. Besides, why would he agree to something that he doesn’t like to do?

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