Island Life

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*Time Skip 10 Years (On the Island)*


" Baby, you have to wait for me," The short blonde woman walked through the woods, evidently looking for someone. She yelped when a little girl jumped down from the tree above and landed on the path in front of her, grinning before running ahead once again.

"But Mommy, I wanna go to the beach," the girl called. The woman chuckled and followed after the her daughter.

"Lucy, you know we have to train first. After we're done, you can go to the beach," chuckled Mavis. She could feel the soil and leaves that littered the ground from her bare feet. She had always loved to walk barefoot. As she entered the clearing, she saw her ten year old daughter, holding a stick, and pretending to sword fight with some birds. She watched as Lucy's long blonde pigtails swayed back and forth as she danced around, periodically jabbing her 'sword'. She giggled quietly and took a seat on a rock at the edge of the clearing. Lucy had obviously won against the birds, and ran to stand in front of her mother. Mavis cleared her throat, "Ok Lucy, lets start with some breath attacks." She nodded and returned to the middle of the field, taking a deep breath.

"Celestial Dragon Roar!" A column of golden light billowed from Lucy's mouth into the sky above her. Granted it was a very short column, only going up about ten feet. She recovered, and did the same thing again. She did this about seven times before she became tired. She turned to her mother, covered in sweat. Mavis gave her a smile and motioned her to keep going. The little girl nodded and stood straighter.

"Celestial Dragon Wing Attack!" She kept this up with various attacks for about an hour. When she had exhausted most of her magic power, her mother allowed her to go play by the beach. Mavis walked back to the library, thinking of how much better Lucy had gotten.

After Lucy was born, someone attempted to kidnap her, and then they had escaped. In only the first month of her life, the same people came back, failing over and over but never giving up. Mavis, who was worried for Lucy's safety, had faked her own death with the help of Yuri, Precht, and Warrod. They said she should go somewhere that nobody would think to look for her, and she knew just the place. When she had returned to Tenrou island for the first time in eleven years, she had gone straight to the library, where she had spent most of her childhood alone. She remembered being there with Zera, and, thinking of the Blue Skull guild that had destroyed the town and killed everyone, she established the barrier. The magic that was used to create this barrier would keep out all unwanted visitors, but there was an aftereffect. Time on the island was different to the outside world. One year spent here was eight years to the rest of the world.

So Mavis had raised Lucy here, where she had spent the majority of her life alone. It had been hard at first, being there all by herself and trying to raise a baby. As time went on, things got easier. When Lucy turned six, Mavis was shocked when a beautiful golden dragon landed on the island. She called herself Serenity, the Celestial Dragon. She explained that Lucy could have great powers, and how she was special. Mavis agreed to the dragons terms and Serenity trained Lucy to be a celestial dragon slayer, but three short years later, Serenity disappeared without a trace. Lucy had not taken it very well. Serenity had become a second mother to her, caring for her just as much as Mavis did. Soon, she got used to it just being her and her mother again. Mavis had taken on the role of continuing Lucy's training, and she had improved a lot in the last year. She had even shown her how to do Fairy Law and Fairy Glitter, but she had never used them. Mavis was pulled out of her thoughts when the silence was broken by an ear splitting scream.



Lucy was running to the beach when her white sundress snagged on a tree branch, causing her to fall. She tumbled down the hill, before rolling into some bushes near the bottom. As she pulled herself up, she winced as blood ran down her leg from a cut on her knee. Unfazed, she sighed as she pulled on her torn dress. Moms going to have to fix it later. Lucy continued down the path until she arrived at her destination.

Giggling, she rushed over the beautiful white sand towards the glistening water. She walked right into the waves, her bare feet kicking the surface of the water. Lucy knelt down, washing the blood away from her fall. Then, she just stood there, imagining what her life would be like off of the island. No, of course she loved her home, and understood why she had to stay there, but she longed for a new adventure. She had always dreamed of joining the Fairy Tail guild, as her mother had spoke of them often. She wanted to know how things work everywhere else, and her mom wasn't much help because she had been on the island with Lucy for the past eighty years. Though her mom still looked like any other 13 year old teen, due to her illness. Suddenly, Lucy heard a voice. That's odd, she thought. The only people who came to the island besides her and her mom, were Fairy Tail during their S-class promotion trials. Lucy had always watched the trials from a distance, with her mother. But the trials had just happened, and weren't supposed to happen again for a couple of months. Suddenly, she was blinded by a bright flash of white light, as something heavy struck the back of her head and she let out an ear piercing cry. The last thing she saw, as she crumpled to the ground, was a dark figure hovering above her.


"Lucy! Lucy!" Mavis rushed through the forest, as fast as her legs would carry her. Tears streaming down her face, she arrived at the beach that she knew Lucy would have gone to. Through blurry eyes, she searched for her daughter, but she was nowhere to be found. 

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