seasons greetings!

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again, thank you so much for over 1k reads!

i have decided that as a gift from me, i will do imagines too! not just any imagines, personalized imagines.

here's what you need in your comment:
-your age/age you want the imagine to be (like if you want it to be aged up or aged down)
-hair color
-eye color
-be specific with what your scenario is, but don't be too specific. if it is, then it'll be hard to have writer's freedom. if it's too vague, then i could make something that you're not 100% satisfied with.

to make things easier, i have made categories that your imagine could fall into. this helps me set the general mood. your comments should be in the following places:




•family member


•other (if it's here, then be specific as to what it is)

thank you so much to reading and i hope that these don't suck. i'm confident enough to say that they won't, but you can't please everyone.

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