Big news

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"What happened last night?" Asked Carlos as we walked through the studio doors together.

"What? Nothing. Nothing happened last night." I replied, making my way to the staff room, he followed me.

"Why did he ring your phone?"

"Why did you have my phone?"

"You left it in the staff room, I picked it up to give it to you. Here." He said, passing the phone to me. "So why did he ring you?"

"If you must know, I couldn't find my phone, so he rang it for me, to see if I could here it." I pushed past him to pick up some music sheets.

"Oh, right." He replied, he sounded as if he was holding something back.

"What?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"I just thought, maybe something, erm... Happened?" He questioned me.

"Carlos! No! German is in a relationship! We've been through this before!"

Carlos thinks that just because German and Beatriz aren't married, that it's okay for me to tell German how I feel. I don't. They're still in a relationship, things looks serious. I think they could be married by the end of the year. It kills me. But I'm happy for them, sort of. They've been together for nearly a year now.

"Sorry!" Sighed Carlos.

"Whatever." I repsonded,bluntly. "I have a lesson to go to. Bye."

The fist lesson was Violetta's class. She decided to stay on for a few years, this year will be her last, then she will go on tour.

At the end of the lesson, Violetta came over to me. "Hey Angie!" She shouted as she ran towards me, smiling.

"Hey Vilu! What's up?" I asked. I worry about her too much sometimes, I'm not as bad as German though, although he has gotten better with that and -

"ANGIE" she shouted, waving her hands in my face.

"What? Huh? Yeah?" This always happens. I think of him and go into a world of my own.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked, clearly running out of patience.


She sighed and rolled her eyes jokingly. "Just make sure you're at home for 5 o'clock, for tea."

"Okay, Vilu. Now don't you have a lesson to go to?" I joked.

"Yes, dance with Gregorio." She pulled a funny face, to show me how much she didn't want to go to the lesson.

"Have fun!" I teased.


After a long stressful day at work, I made my way home, just in time for tea. Gregorio had been kicking up a fuss about Pablo being director again. He thinks he could do a better job. Usually, I would be the one fighting Pablo's side,but his girlfriend, Jackie did it for him. I spent my breaks with Carlos.

I walked into the living room and everyone was sat around the table already, I made my way to the table and sat down.

"I'm sorry, am I late? I thought I was on time" I said, checking my watch.

"No, no, you're not late" replied Beatriz innocently. I want to hate her, but I can't. She's a good person.

"So what's the big news?" Asked Violetta, she didn't sound as excited as I had expected.

'Big news'? I thought to myself. I didn't know there would be any big news... What of they're getting married? ...What if she's pregnant?!

"Well..." Started Beatriz, cutting me off mid thought, "I've been offered a job!" German squeezed her hand when she said this. It hurt me inside, but I didn't let it show.

"That's great!" Replied me and Violetta at the same time.

"But..." She continued, "it's with the same company I work for now, but they've given me a job in Spain. It's only two weeks long, then I come back. It's kind of like a business trip, I suppose."

"Oh, dad, are you going with her?" Asked Vilu. I sat in my chair, praying for him to say no, I hate the thought of them alone together, in another country...

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