Chapter One

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The narrative for my previous year has included; tirelessly working a forty hour a week job, completing a master's degree, and raising my two beautiful daughters. I lost count of my sleepless nights which schoolwork always spills into into the following morning. My lifeline has been pure adrenaline, and caffeine.

I began this journey to create a better life for myself and the girls. Three years ago my marriage ended in disaster. My ex-husband is an alcoholic which provokes a temper that is almost always out of control. I spent several years waiting for things to change, they never did and finally I had enough of feeling broken and scared. Watching life pass me by and settling for less than what inspires me started driving me insane.

Working in an office at a nine to five is exactly what I don't want to do for the rest of my life. I take being a mother seriously, it's my example they follow, and if I don't chase my dreams how will they learn to chase theirs? If I don't respect myself, how will they learn to respect themselves? These are life lessons that I'm not willing to be left untaught.

Ensuring the house is clean, the homework is done, and everyone is fed and bathed has put my adulting skills to the test. My life can be a three-ring circus, certain days I feel like the ringmaster running the show flawlessly, and other days I feel like a silly clown not quite as confident in my abilities. I've learned to keep the later of days to a minimum and I'm not even sure how, but I did it and now I've made it to graduation day.

Earning a master's degree isn't an easy job regardless of your situation. I can humbly say I didn't earn this degree on my own. Although I'm the main character in my life I have three co-stars who I can't live without; my daughters Lark and Lily and my best friend Sam. There's no doubt this process has been a team effort. 

Lark is my oldest daughter, she's twelve and no longer considers herself a little kid, she's blossoming into a beautiful young lady. Typical of a tween girl; makeup, clothes and being boy crazy are part of her repertoire. To her credit she's become a great stylist who specializes in hair and makeup. When she's not doing her own, she practices on whoever is willing to be her guinea pig.

My youngest daughter Lily is eight, she's following in her sister's footsteps as far as being boy crazy, not so much excited about the clothes and makeup yet. Lily loves to read, and she's very musically and artistically inclined like myself. She's extremely outgoing, whereas Lark is reserved and at times very shy.

One of the joys of parenting is that every child is different. It gets more entertaining when you have more than one because they have distinctive personalities and interests. It's amazing to watch them develop their own identities.

The girls and I spend hours watching videos on YouTube. Their favorite band is One Direction which isn't always the first choice on my playlist, but I know all their songs and silly dance moves anyway. Most evenings Sam and I sing and dance around the living room with them, we call it our girl's night dance party. Sometimes it can be exhausting, but there's nothing like seeing your children laugh and giggle, beaming with pure joy. These moments can't last forever, so I do my best to cherish every one of them.

Sam and I are co-workers and classmates, we met three years ago and became best friends. We've become more like sisters, and the girls even call her Auntie Sam. In order to save on living expenses while we're in grad school we rent a four-bedroom townhouse together. Sam studies music technology and my studies are concentrated in entertainment business management. Although most of our time is spent studying and taking care of the girls, she also believes it's her duty as a best friend to make me go out and have fun with other adults from time to time.

The rare occasion we switch up our routine she drags me out to some wild club to get me buzzed so I'll dance with some younger guy. I'm not gonna lie, she doesn't have to twist my arm. It's a nice break, and I prefer younger guys anyway. I do however try to put up a fight, it makes her feel victorious when I finally relent.

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