My Characters~

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(I will be playing monokuma until someone steps up!)

Character one/ the mystery guy
Name: Fanx??? (pronounced: faun-x)
Age: ???
Gender: male
Birthday: December 12
Height: 5'4
Weight: 105
Ultimate: ???
Personality: ???
Appearance: Pale skin, red jacket, white shirt, black jeans, gray shoes, a purple snake pin on his jacket, dark brown almost black curly hair (clearly looks like it was dyed blue at one point, but faded) yellow eyes, obvious scaring on his arms, legs, neck, everywhere but his face, hides the scares with long sleeved jacket and a black scarf
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???

Character two/ the innocent cinnamon roll
Name: Juniper Ichijouji
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Birthday: August 7
Height: 5'8
Weight: 117
Ultimate: Paranormal Investigator
Personality: is scared easy, afraid of heights, spiders, snakes, birds, the dark, and ghosts
Appearance: really pale skin, Gray t-shirt with a cute chino ghost on it, blue jeans, white shoes, messy brown hair, green eyes
Likes: Comedy Movies
Dislikes: Scary Ghosts

Character three/ the over sexualized one
Name: Elphiba (goes by Elphie) Surani
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 9
Height: 5'6
Weight: 115
Ultimate: Photo Editor
Personality: quiet, but when that talk, they talk a lot! Mostly talks about photos and how pretty the sunset is. Kind of an idiot
Appearance: tan skin, pink shirt, orange mid-length jacket, blue shorts, tall brown boots, long straight red hair (obviously dyed) yellow eyes, a sun pin in her hair and a cloud pin and a ocean pin on her jacket
Likes: sunsets
Dislikes: lots of movement

And that's it! These will be my rescue ring characters, but I might just make up some if I need to

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