Part 2 (14)

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       If the little one wants his moment, I'm going to help him get it. "Oi! Shut it!" I yell over the madness that's going on drawing their attention to myself. "Someone has something to say," I sigh leaning back in my chair as I look to Frodo. If he's anything like Bilbo, he won't give up what he feels is right just because of the danger.

       "I will take the ring to Mordor," Frodo says bravely and everyone is stunned by his volunteering. "Though, I do not know the way," He softly admits after a moment.

       "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins," Gandalf says putting his hand on his shoulder. "As long as it's yours to bear."

       "You have my life or death, if I can protect you I will. You have my sword," Aragorn says making his way over to Frodo to kneel in front of him.

       I can't leave here knowing that Middle Earth could be destroyed at any time, I would have some sort of breakdown. I can't leave here knowing that there's something I can do to help. "And mine," I stand from my chair as it seems the right thing to do in this moment. "What the hell right?"

       "And you have my bow," Legolas puts forth.

       "And my axe," Gimli smirks and stands over where our growing party is standing. Legolas gives me a look that says he isn't happy with this new development and I smile teasingly at his dissatisfaction.

       "You carry the fate of us all little one, if this is indeed the will on the council, then Gondor will see it done," The man says coming over.

       "Heh!" Sam shouts revealing his position and runs over to us. "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me!"

       "No indeed, it is impossible to separate you even when he was summoned to a secret council and you are not," Elrond says a small smile growing on his face.

       "Oi!" Mary shouts from behind a pillar and they run over to join us. "We're coming too! You'll have to send us home tied u in a sack to stop us!"

       "Anyways, you need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest, thing," Pippin puts forth and by now I'm trying to hide my smile. Hobbits have always had this sort of innocence to them, I suppose I envy that.

       "Well that rules you out, Pip," Mary says.

       "Ten companions, so be it. You shall be the fellowship of the ring," Elrond announces.

       "Right, where are we going?" Pippin asks seeming to have not heard some of the most important parts of this. The meeting is ended and plans are made to depart as first light tomorrow. We all go off in our own directions to go get ready for our journey.

       After packing the essentials I wonder about, trying to satiate my intense worry I disguise as boredom. I eventually find Legolas on a veranda overlooking the waterfall so I decide to sit with him. "So, it seems like we're going on another world changing journey," He just gives a small laugh, not bothering to respond. "Any predictions of what's going to happen?" I rope him into something he has to respond to.

       "I thought that in the culture you partake in if you speak of the future you'll jinx it?" He flashes a small playful smile and I send one back.

       "Well I prefer to look to the future because why bother with the past? Plus if we make great predictions it'll distract from the bad... hopefully."

       Silence hangs in the hang while he's thinking but he tosses it back to me. "What are you predictions?"

       "I predict that." I draw out the words to give myself time to think before coming upon something acceptable. "We will make it to our respective homes and dine on the finest of treats as a reward after all this. Your turn."

       "Hmm, that's a fine idea, but what about catching up on sleep? I'm sure there's going to be so much happening that we'll be exhausted by the time we get back," He says looking off into the day that's turning to night.

       "Very true, plus you need your beauty sleep if you ever want to even think about being presentable after fighting and travel. I mean, me not so much, but you will definitely need it," I play tossing my hair over my shoulders, he gives me a smile at my sass and I grin back. I'm glad that I found him before we leave tomorrow my stomach is in knots at the idea of what we're going to be doing. Going right into the most evil place in all of Middle Earth, and destroying the most evil thing in Middle Earth.

       We talk until sleep is begging to have us in its arms and we go to our respective rooms. In the morning we pack what food won't spoil quickly and are on our way, all ten of us. I learn that the man from yesterday's name is Boromir. Boromir is behind us and if it weren't for the fact that Strider is behind him I wouldn't feel as comfortable as I do.

       I catch up with Gandalf who is leading the party and start a conversation with him. "Last time you invited me on a journey you were able to come all the way to see me, this time it was just a letter. If I didn't know you any better, Gandalf, I would suspect that I mean less to you than I do."

       He gives me a smile crinkling his old eyes into a look of humor. "It is good that you do know better, I would never wish to offend you, Lady Astra the great."

       "I am rather great, aren't I?" I ask and hold my head much higher. He laughs and I chuckle at my own joke as I let my head drop back down to a comfortable position. "But seriously, thank you, friend, for inviting me onto another journey to ease my boredom. Or could it be?" I trail off and wait for him to respond how I want him to.

       After a silent moment he finally sighs and takes the bait. "'Could it be' what?"

       I lift one side of my mouth into a playful smirk as I say "Could it be that the real reason you ask me to come on these journeys is that you need to make sure that I keep out of trouble while you're busy?"

       He lets out a hearty laugh and I grin at the sound. "That could very well be the true reason, Astra." As we continue to talk I think about how good it is to see him again. He's usually busy with wizardly duties, which entails watching for dangers and ensuring the safety of the world around us. So we aren't able to talk as much as we used to, but I still feel just as close to him as I ever have. He helped me along so much when I was younger so just having his calming presence is reassuring.

       We making ok time for the first day, better than I thought with four hobbits traveling with us. Dwarves might only be a foot taller and therefor only have a bit longer legspan, but at least dwarves don't have seven meals.

       We stop to take a break and to eat something and I briefly think of how this journey would be going much faster if it was just me, but I stop myself. This journey isn't about me and also if it was just me taking the ring into Mordor it would probably already be going a lot worse. Frodo seems like a great kid, but I don't want to get too close to the ring, out of wariness of its power of people's heart.

       Boromir teaches Mary and Pippin a few sword moves at their request as Strider watches and I can't see this being serious for very long. Luckily for all of us, judging by the smell, Sam's cooking is extremely good and we won't have anything to complain about in that department. Boromir accidently cuts Pippin and in return he kicks Boromir making him fall over where he and Mary try to hurt him back.

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