Bully - Ethan Dolan - Part 3/3

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Ethan yelled as soon as he got home.

"Gray! Where the hell are you?"

"I'm here, for Christ's sake stop yelling the house down. What happened?" 

"I am the biggest idiot that has ever set foot on this earth."

"What else is new?"

"Dick." Ethan shot him a glance. "I really messed up this time, Gray."

"What happened?"

"There is this beautiful and absolutely breathtaking girl I like and I think I totally messed it up with her. I act like a dick around her and I was so in love with her that I didnt even notice what a fool I've been. I had this image in my head that she felt the same way I did, but I just realised that she didnt see things the way I did. And I apologised to her today, but i dont think she will forgive me. Ever. But I really like this girl and I cant stop thinking about her."

"So this girl... How long have you been in love with her?"

"I dont know, for years. She is everything I look for in a girl. She is smart and witty and she doesn't take shit from anyone and she does this thing, which is really cute, but I wont tell you what it is, because I dont want you to know who she is. But maybe you haven't noticed it. It's just something small, but its really cute." 

"Bro, you are in way too deep."

"I know! What do I do?" 

"You could try and apologise?" 

"I already did, but for what I did, there is no forgiveness."

"But you didnt do it on purpose right?"

"Well I kind of did, but not for the reason she thinks."

"Have you told her that?"

"Yeah, but I dont think she will believe it." 


Y/N: I have one more question

Ethan: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes. 

Ethan: typing....

Ethan: online

Ethan: typing....

Ethan: online

Ethan: typing....

Ethan: What do you want to know?

Y/N: You said you wanted my attention. Why?

Ethan: typing....

Ethan: online

Ethan: typing....

Ethan: Isn't it obvious?

Y/N: Do you really want to trust in my interpretation of a situation, especially since our conversation earlier today?

Ethan *chuckles*: No. You're right.

Ethan: typing....

Ethan: online

Ethan: typing ...

Y/N: Seriously Ethan just spit it out. 

Ethan: Sorry. It's just not that easy.

Y/N: What isn't?

Ethan: Look at your Biology book from last year. On the last page. 

Y/N: The one I had borrowed from the library?

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