Chapter Two: Creating A Warrior

Start from the beginning

   'Shall I come alone or with a man?' I teased him.

   'Alone! I shall slay anyman that takes away the most precious thing I have ever had the chance of meeting.' He growls and almost breaks the rule of no touching a woman who is not rightfully yours, until I'd stepped back to save him, and myself.

   'Then I shall come. Alone.' I blew him a kiss and ran to papa so that we shall go home and get everything done for the day." Mama stops. She brushes my hair slowly, her mind has wandered off into a peaceful place. I'm afraid she won't finish when she begins again.

  "I walked into the ball alone and there he was. Of course he was talking to his father, so he didn't notice me when I began to walk down the stairs, but everyone else did. I'd heard gasps and claps and words of praise. When I'd reached the bottom floor his father had glanced up at me with something very close to happiness, he told Harry something, and he'd left. Harry immediatly glanced towards where I stood. I saw his eyes light up and I felt like a true woman. He walked towards me, not looking at the girls who were throwing themselves at him.

   'You came.' He said upon reaching me.

   'Your highness.' I bowed, and he took my hand, leading me to the ball floor. We were the center of attention and I didn't care. I just wanted to dance all night with him. I'd twirled in circles around him and I hadn't taken my eyes off of him, not once. I was happy and in love and I wanted to know if that was all right with him.

   'Is it wrong for me to have fallen in love with you?' I'd asked him with tears in my eyes.

   He looked down at me with so much love and tenderness that I dare not to let it get to my head. He walked me out of that room and into his garden. It looked just like this, just well maintained.

   'Marry me.' Harry had said, going down onto one knee. I was hesitant.

   'Are you sure?' I'd asked him.

   'Aranza Calliento, I'm in love with you. I fell in love with you earlier today when I saw you in town.' I could tell he was speaking the truth and I began to cry happy tears. Harry jumped up and craddled me, probably thinking that I was going to say no. 'Don't cry. I didn't mean to hurt you.'

   'I have to. I love you Harry. And it's not because of your title, it's because of you. Of course I'll marry you!' He'd kissed me right then and there. When we walked back into the ball I had a ring on my hand- one of the ones around your neck- and an amazing man. His family was happy to see us happy. I had you a mere 3 years later." Mama stopped brushing my hair and we lay on the ground. I fell asleep dreaming about everything she'd just told me.

  "Eliza, hurry up!" Mama shouts from very close to her brother's house.

  "Patience mama." I tell her and stop dead in front of the lawn. It was a very precise place, like a military of knights lived here. Mama touched the gate and an alarm went off. Out came all these men in combat uniforms and I acted on instinct. I launched myself in front of mama and grabbed the handle of fathers sword and swung it, so that it was in front of me.

  "State your name and reasons for showing up!" the young one in the front yelled. I wasn't sure what to do, but I wasn't taking my eyes off of him, that's for sure.

  "I'm here to see Alexander Calliento. This is Eliza, and I am Aranza, his sister." she said it so queenly that they all straightened up and bowed.

  "Queen Aranza." They all repeated in unison.

  "Open the gates. We've been waiting far, far, far too long for you little sister." came a voice behind us. I swung around to see a manlier version of my mother. I put the sword away.

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