Chapter 3: Serpent Territory Doesn't Last Long

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Tuesday Morning

I woke up in my light blue coloured sheets of my bed at 6:30am. Right across from my bed is my desk. And to my right of my bed I have a shelf with all my awards and achievements and to the left of my bed I have my closet. I decided to wear a Earth Yellow quarter sleeved soft sweater with light blue jeans and some soft brown ankle booties.

I eat my usual healthy breakfast consisting of a bran muffin and omelette. I packed my River Vixen uniform we have a practice today and if we are not up to Cheryl Blossom's standards we get yelled at. Fun. I feed my 16 year old cat Nancy and went off to school in my bubblegum pink Ferrari.

I arrived at Riverdale High at about 8:20am. I went inside and I saw Veronica. I knew what I needed to talk to her about.

"Hey Ron can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

"Sure Tutti Frutti." She said with a smile.

"Where did you get a gun?" I asked.

"What are talking about?" She said.

"The gun you shot up into the air to break up the Bulldog and Serpent fight." I said.

"It-It was Archie's.....I threw it in sweet water river but I retrieved it." She said.

"What why?" I said why would Archie or Veronica have a gun?

"I needed to break up the fight somehow. Archie was going to get hurt. I had to protect him." She said.

"But using a gun to protect somebody?.....or to threaten somebody is not right." I said.

I was very disappointed in Veronica. She wanted to get away from all The New York gangs and be somebody different. I guess I was wrong.

" Rebecca don't give me this kind of lecture because believe me I heard it all before. And stop acting like you haven't done stupid stuff too." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh please like you'd think I forget. Last semester when you sent a nude to Chuck Clayton." She said.

"I was fooled okay. Yes that was my mistake and it was wrong for me to do but this is something different you held a gun." I said.

"'s no different to Sheriff Keller holding a gun." She said.

"Yeah....when your a trained police officer. Ron this is bad like really bad like really big explosion bad it's really-" I stated but cut of by Veronica.

"I'll see you in practice." She said.

Then she walked down the hall and turned the left corner.

I walked into my first class. It was French.

"Bonjour Madame Smythes." Mrs Dupont said.

I liked Mrs.Dupont she was one of the kindest teachers at Riverdale. She is in charge of French club and Chess club which I'm in both. Obviously.

The period seem to go by pretty fast. Next thing I knew I had calculus.

I got to class and saw Dilton Doiley. I did not know what to say to him. Hey how's the leg? Hey I hear you got stabbed? So what does a knife going into a leg feel like? All of those questions were dumb so I just smiled at him. I just wanted to let him know that he still has a friend in me.

Then it came lunch time and I was headed to the cafeteria. I see Betty and Veronica heading there too. So I caught up with them.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Oh hey Becca how are you?" Betty asked.

"I'm good. Betty I need to talk to afterwards alone." I said I need to ask her why she wanted to break up with Jug.

"Oh be careful Betty she might give you a lecture." Veronica said.

"Ron I'm sorry okay." I said.

Lunch went by as a breeze and so did the rest of the day. My last two periods was World History and then Physics.

It came to after school and I rushed to get my River Vixen uniform on. Cheryl have been making us practice like crazy just to get one Routine down.

"Okay Cheer Muffins. This routine we've had for 2 weeks now is not getting any better. So we will stay here all night if we have to. To get it right. You got it? From the top!" Cheryl said.

Right as the song played (Turn Up The Music by Chris Brown) everyone got into their places and we started out fine until Cheryl started to yell at some people to get their act together. This dragged on for 2 hours until we were released from Cheryl's prison. I used to love Cheryl, we were BFFs when I came to Riverdale last year but now not so much.

I had a long day and my father was working late tonight. As usual I only see my dad for like an hour every single day. Work has always been his top priority along with religiously going to church. He's the town's preacher. I drove to Pop's. Nothing better to do then end the day with a Pop's Neapolitan Milkshake. I walk in and I see that 'my' booth is empty. I told Pop what I wanted and sat down. Within 4 minutes Pop brings me a milkshake.

"Hey excuse me! I have waited for a milkshake and curly fries for almost 15 minutes!" A random guy said. How rude?

"I'll get it for yah sir." Pop said.

This random guy was giving me a look like he wanted to hurt me. This guy had a leather jacket on he had long hair and a small beard. I think he had a nose ring too I couldn't tell from far away.

I look slightly to my right and see a group of serpents come in. Of course just my day.

I noticed a certain serpent. Oh my gosh it's the stupid rude serpent with her black hair that thinks he's better than everybody else.

It looks like he noticed me took because he cam stalking over my way. Leaving his 4 serpent buddies alone at the swivel stools.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

" I could ask you the same thing." I said.

He looked at me confused.

"This is 'northsider' turf." I said.

"Oh right. I'm so sorry your highness I'll get out of way and leave." He said as if he were mocking me, which he probably was.

"Thank you." I said.

" I was being sarcastic." He said.

"No you were being cocky." I said.

"What's up your ass, northsider?" He questioned.

"Nothing until you showed up." I said.

"Ouch I'm hurt. Really I could cry any second." He says as he starts to fake cry.

"Just leave okay this isn't serpent territory." I said.

"Okay and what is miss smarty pants." He said leaning forward.

"Nothing is. Serpents were around for a very long time and only brought the town down with the gangs and the drugs. Soon everything will be owned to the northsiders and you can get that in fine print." I said to him trying to be serious. Then I did the same thing as he did and I leaned forward and said.

" Serpent Territory doesn't last long. Soon there will be a destruction." I said and got up and walked away.

***Damn, Rebecca really doesn't like the serpents, Why?***

***Everybody knows that she's probably perfect, but she doesn't really see it, yet***

***Will she find out the jet black haired serpents name? Or forget about him entirely?***

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