"Our last name and an argument can be made for fifteen," Tony said.

"What about Pepper? She does more in a day than you've done all year." Clara crossed her arms before Tony kissed Pepper's cheek as a greeting.

"She's part of the twelve percent." Tony shrugged as Clara scoffed. "Well, I did do all the heavy lifting. Literally, lifted the heavy things. And sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you." Tony argued.

"Oooooh." Clara laughed. She loved her brother but sometimes she couldn't stand his cockiness.

"My private elevator..." Tony started.

"You mean our elevator?" Pepper asked.

"...was teeming with sweaty workmen," Tony finished. "I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later, aren't I?" Pepper and Clara nodded their heads and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Not gonna be that subtle," Pepper said.

"I'll tell you what. Next building, it's gonna say Potts." Tony looked from Pepper to Clara. "And next suit, is gonna be all yours."

"Its all mine to look at. Right?"

"What else?" Clara wanted Tony to build her a suit so bad, but he refused. He didn't want to put his younger sister into anymore danger than she's already in. She knew she had the intelligence to build one, but she wasn't one to go behind someone's back, especially if their the only family she's got left.

"Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten," JARVIS said.

"Tony, Clara, we need to talk." Agent Phil Coulson's voice said over Tony's phone. Clara was about to answer before Tony snatched the phone.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message," Tony held a serious expression as Clara covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing.

"This is urgent," Phil said.

"Then leave it urgently." As soon as Tony finished his sentence, the elevator doors opened to reveal Phil Coulson.

"Security breach. That's on you." Tony stated while he pointed at Clara.

"Mr. and Miss Stark," Phil greeted. "Ms. Potts."

"Phil! Come in." Clara smiled as she greeted him.

"Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent." Tony said, getting up with Clara.

"Come on in, we're celebrating," Pepper smiled. The three stood in front of their own friend as Tony wore a face of annoyance.

"Which is why he can't stay," Tony protested.

"We need you to look this over." Coulson said, holding out a folder for Tony to take. "Soon as possible."

"I don't like being handed things." Tony said. Clara and Pepper shared a glance of annoyance at the literal two year old. She grabbed the folder and looked through it before handing it to Tony. He gave her an annoyed look before taking it.

"So how was New Mexico?" Clara asked as she crossed her arms. She remembered the last time he left he was going to New Mexico for a mission.

"Strange, but when isn't it," Phil smiled.

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday." Tony said.

"This isn't a consultation." Phil said.

"Is this about The Avengers?" Clara remembered the idea about the group of super humans Fury was telling them about.

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." Tony said, walking away.

"I thought so too." Clara said.

"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others."

"I did know that." Clara smirked, making Pepper chuckle.

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore."

"Whatever. Clara, got a minute?" Clara walked over to Tony who placed the files into the databases.

"You know, I thought we were having a celebration," Tony whispered.

"We were having twelve percent of a celebration." Tony eyed his smirking sister before all of the humor left her voice. "This seems serious, Phil's pretty shaken."

"How did you notice? Why is he Phil? Why New Mexico?" Ignoring the questions, Clara extended her arms and different profiles appeared in holographic form floating in the air in front of them.

"Wow." Clara admired the screens. She skimmed the screens and stopped as she noticed a video of Captain America fighting. Seeing the video made her think of her father. Captain America was the one thing that kept her and her father close. She him fighting on the battlefield during World War II and she saw people injecting him with the serum. Her father stood beside him and for a split second he looked at the screen before the video started over. "We've got homework. We've got a lot of homework." Clara said, still taken over by the characters on the screen.

"Well, what if we didn't."

"If you didn't?" Clara corrected.

"What? Your going to study all of this" Tony laughed.

"Actually if it's not to much to ask, Director Fury was hoping Ms Stark could come as soon as possible." Tony and Clara both looked at him for and explanation. "We have a lab set aside for her."

Clara almost jumped in happiness. "Really?!" She cheered. She looked at her brother.

"See you tomorrow." He said.

"Coulson, I'm gonna need a ride."

Hi and welcome to my Captain America fanfic! I know the first chapter didn't have him in it, but I'll do my best to make a good story.

Love to all!

The Man My Father Always Talked About • A CAPTAIN AMERICA STORYWhere stories live. Discover now