Just then my phone vibrated on the bed beside me. Picking it up, I smiled at the message.

Harry: Get any good pictures today? ;)

I quickly typed back.

Me: You guys are dicks.

I could hear him laughing from his room, which was next to mine.

Harry: I thought we did a good job!

Me: Don’t quite your day job, Styles

Harry: :p

I could hear muffled chatter through the wall coming from Harrys room. Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I slid off the bed, thankful that I hadn’t changed into my pajamas yet and still had on my jeans and t-shirt. Opening the door, I found Harry, Louis and Niall there, all grinning proudly.

I leaned against the doorframe, shaking my head at them.

“Can I help you, boys?”

Harry wasted no time sliding past me and into the room. Louis and Niall followed, Niall reaching around to smack my butt as he walked passed. I yelped as I closed the door, shooting them a dirty look.

They jumped onto my bed, pulling my laptop towards them to scan through the photos.

‘Make yourselves at home’ I thought to myself sarcastically.

Harry lay on is stomach, with Louis on his side beside him as they flipped through the photos. Niall sat cross legged on the bed, laughing occasionally at some of the images they found. I stood at the foot of the bed watching them, slightly nervous for some reason. This was the first time they would be seeing the kind of work they would be getting from me, so their reaction was important. Thankfully, they seemed pleased, Louis even stating he wanted a couple of them for his twitter account.

Niall reached over to my bedside table, plucking my camera from the top. Flicking it on, he started playing with the settings, looking through the lens around the room.

I couldn’t help but grin at them. They were all so comfortable, completely at ease with themselves and their surroundings. Very little seemed to bother them, and that sense of calm was refreshing to me. I was used to hectic, insanity thanks to my time in the ER, so a relaxing work environment was a nice change.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the camera clicking. I turned to find Niall taking a picture of me, his grin wide across his face. Lowering the camera, his eyes stayed on me, looking please with himself.

I stepped up, climbing on the bed to snatch the camera from him.

“Oh, no, that’s not how this works.” I said, reaching to take the camera away. He pulled it quickly behind his back, out of my reach.

“Why not?” he asked innocently. “Its only fair.”

“Too bad,” I argued, trying to reach around him as he laid back against the camera to keep me from taking it. I was on all fours, one arm trying to reach around one side of Niall, the other holding me up. We were almost touching, the smell of his cologne attacking my senses. “I hate my picture taken.” I replied, my voice almost cracking.

“Oh please,” Louis interrupted, pushing the laptop back and reaching passed Harry to join in the match between Niall and I. “You’re gorgeous, you probably take amazing pics.” Louis reached under Niall, sliding the camera away from him and quickly jumping back to the other side of Harry and out of my reach again.

“She does,” Harry interjected, his attention no longer on the laptop. His feet crossed at the ankles up in the air, swinging back and forth. “Taylor showed me.”

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