Chapter six

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Chapter Six

School was finally over. We were waiting by Jamie locker as he collected the books he needed for homework when my phone started to ring.

“Hello,” I asked when answered my phone without looking at the caller- id.

“You been gone long enough, it’s time to come back home, daddy miss you.” Jim sneered, my heart started beating faster than normal at the sound of he’s voice.

“You’re not my dad.” I practically shouted, earning strange looks from people standing around waiting to go home. 

Jim laughter ring in my ear, “the last time I check your dad is dead. So guess what? I’m your daddy now bitch, and daddy said come home. You and your gay ass brother need to be home in thirty. I’m counting sweetheart, don’t make daddy wait.” With that lingering threat Jim hung up.

“What did he say?” Taylor questioned as he took my phone from my hand and stuffed it in my bag.

“He wants us home in thirty.”

“What did he to make you scream like that?”

“That he’s dead so that makes him our daddy now. God, I fucking hate him! Why did our dad have to die, why couldn’t it be that bitch mother of ours? Fuck, you do realize he’s birthday is coming up? I miss him so much Taylor.” I cried as Taylor pulled me in a tight hug.

“Shhh, I know you miss him Alexz. I miss him too, and yes I do realize he’s birthday is coming up.”

“I’m just tired of this Taylor, I don’t want to go home.” I mumble into he’s chest.

“I know but I’ll protect you, he won’t hurt you.”

“How can you promise that?” I questioned as I pulled away from him. “If you protect me then you’ll get yourself hurt.”

“I don’t know I’ll think of something, don’t worry about.”

“How can I not worry about it Taylor? I worry every time we set foot in that house. I always think that what if he goes too far and one of us dies. I’m tired of living in fear.”

“Listen,” Taylor said pulling me out of he’s arms.

“Hey guys, let’s not talk here.” Jamie said.

Nodding our heads we followed Jamie as he led us back into the school. After checking three classrooms we finally found one that was open. Taylor sat me down then him and Jamie check to see if anyone was in the classroom. Once Jamie and Taylor were done they turn the tables that were beside me and turn them facing me.

Taylor leaned over to wipe the tears off my face; I didn’t even know I was crying. “Do you want to hear something funny?” I asked the boys. “Remember when you came home early that day with Jay, and you founded me locked in the bathroom scared out my mind?” They nodded their heads as they both shared worried. “Well I locked myself in the bathroom because I heard when you came in. I called your names but you didn’t answer. That’s when I noticed the time and realize that it couldn’t be you guys because school was still in. I became nervous, I thought it was Jim coming back to finish me off.” I paused for a second to stare at their faces, “stupid I know.”

“It wasn’t stupid,” Jamie replied.

Giving him a small smile I continue with the story, “So I locked myself in the bathroom. I was freaking out when you guys started jingling the door knob.

“That’s why you were hiding in the tub?” Jamie finished.

“Yep, that it why I was hiding in the tub, I was so happy when I seen your faces. That was why I leap out the tub, forgetting the fact that my ribs were still banged up.” I gave a small laugh as the memory. “I know this is weird coming from me since I always have this tuff exterior when it comes to Jim. But after he put me in the hospital I now feel so much fear. Like the next time he will finish me off for good. I hate feeling like this; sometimes I lay awake at night and think about ending my life. I feel like that will be my only escape from the abuse. That if I die I won’t have to worry about Jim anymore I’ll finally be free. But then I think about you two, and I can’t do it. I can’t leave you two, you are all I have. Plus I know my dad will kick me out of heaven if I leave you Taylor, you’re my twin, my other half. Nevertheless I’m so tired of all this shit, so tired.”  After I was done, no one said a word. The silence was killing me, “please someone fucking say something.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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