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Stretching his arms, Max yawned and looked around the bed. Ian was missing, and the emptiness sadden Max.

He got dressed and heard a sizzling sound from the kitchen followed by the smell of bacon. Eyes lighting up, the scent lead Max into the kitchen where Ian was gently humming and cooking breakfast.

"You know how to cook!?" It honestly was impressive to Max, knowing really only how to make oven pizzas and instant noodles.


"You know how to cook!?" The sudden voice made Ian jump. Looking up to see the messy haired Aussie, Ian relaxed. "Yeah, i really learned how to actually make meals around 12, so i like to think I'm pretty good at cooking."

Max nodded and then sat down at the dining table. "So do you get the house to your self the whole day while your mom is at work?" With out looking up from the stove, Ian replied with a simple yes.

Sitting down next to Max, Ian set down two plates. He decided to go simple and just make toast, bacon and eggs. Max dug right in to the meal, "Holy shit, your a good fucking cook!" Ian smiled at the approval.

"Well something simple like this isn't hard to make." Max laughed at his comment, "I would have the whole house burned down in 2 seconds flat."

Chuckling Ian, thought out loud for Max to hear. "Note to self: Never let Max cook," laughing more Max lightly shoved him. "Fuck up,"

"You're the one that said your an awful cook!" Ian replied slightly sarcastic. "True," Max shrugged and started eating the breakfast once again.

After they ate, Max purposed to wash the dishes but Ian insisted on doing them. Whistling a random tune, Max thanked him again for the breakfast.

"Thanks again."

"No promblem, it was my pleasure," Ian simply replied still focused on dishes.

"What are you Chick-fil-A now? With all that 'my pleasure' shit." Max snorted, saying the my pleasure bit in a high pitched, annoying tone of voice.

"Shut the fuck up," Laughing in response.

"No, but seriously thank you. I don't know how you feel about it, but like- cooking for some one is kind like saying I love you with out really saying it... I don't fucking know- I'm being hella gay now." Max became silent and awkwardly sat down.

Feeling his cheeks fluster, Ian stumbled with the dishes. "It's fine... I uh- kinda was going for that." Ian became equally silent and awkward.

A few moments passed before Max spoke up again. "Fucking hell... I've gone and made things weird," Instantly feeling bad, Ian wanted to comfort him.

Max always seemed like this super confident, says whatever he wants kinda guy. He wasnt that though, he was sweet and gentle, even though Max was quite clumsy at times. Maybe a little blunt or rude at some points but all with a good heart.

"Oh no, it's ok really! I just, didn't really know how to respond. I guess I do kinda- love you... I don't fucking know, you just seem like the first friend ive ever had that there was an instant connection." Searching for words to say suddenly Max was by his side.

He looked at me for a few seconds before darting his eyes to the ground. "I feel the same way too. I really do, your my best friend but even more than a best friend."

Ian's heart skipped a beat, not at max considering him as a best friend but as more than a best friend. His face turning even more red, Ian thoughts where trying to think exactly what Max meant by 'more than just a best friend'.

Does he like me? Right as the thought entered Ian's mind, he Instantly fought it back. "Well I meant like family— not that I love you in that way..." Max trailed off and scurried back to the dining table.

Once he sat down Ian couldn't stop looking at him. They were short glances but he still couldn't help but appreciate how attractive the fellow teen was.

Holy fuck... Do I like him? The mental question brought up a feeling of confusion and his heart dropped. Ian was just messing up his own life, so he shook it off and finished the dishes.

finally.. so this is so far a big ol confusing pool of teen emotions, great (also I still didn't edit this)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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