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Max has been spending just about every day with Ian, everyday they get closer and closer. Even though there extremely close, He could tell Ian would act weird sometimes.

The moments when Ian was awkward, did make Max question how close Ian wanted to be. He couldn't even bring himself to think about that though.

Max was starting to bring the rebel in Ian to the surface, and he did feel guilty but he liked the new side of the awkward, "goody-to-shoes" teen.

There planning on spending the whole weekend together, spending the night at each others house. Max had planned alot for them. 

The week was finally over, it was alot easier to get through having Ian by his side. They decided for Max too come to Ian's house for a night, since his parents wanted a date night, and for Saturday and Sunday night Ian would be at his house.

After packing a small bag containing just necessity, since he is just staying one night. Giddy with joy, making his way to Ian's house. When he knocked, Ian answered the door, his eyes lighting up when he saw it was Max.

"Hey! Max, im doing the bit of homework I have." He stopped looking confused.
"Homework? Its only been the first week!" Slowly walking in to the small house.

"Well, I'm in advanced classes so the teachers definitely give you quite a work load." Max nodded in. He sat down his bag and looked around at Ian's house.

It was very similar to Max's, except practically all the contents were packed away in boxes.
Noticing noise coming from the kitchen plus the smell of pasta caught his attention.

"Oh yeah, let me introduce you to my mom." Ian said grabbing Max by the hand. He lead to a dinky hallway opening up to a open kitchen.
"Hey Mom, this is Max. Max this is my mom."

Max looks up to find a welcoming smile, shaking Ian's mom's hand. "Nice to meet you, Max! I'm making pasta for dinner, so I hope you don't mind that."

"Uh— Nice to meet you too Ms. Carter, and pasta is fine with me." "Ok good," She nodded letting go of my hand, going back to the task at hand.

Immediately Ian paces back to a small table, set with a notebook, paper, and a variety of different writing utilities. "I literally have about two things to finish, and then we can hang out."

"Yeah, that's ok be I can stand to wait." Max gave a chuckle at the end, but Ian was silent. Working diligently at his school work, Max was almost amazed at how someone could be so focused on something so dreadfully boring.

Usually Max would either look up the answers, or just not do the homework all in all. He wasn't one to have much "school spirit", which would almost always result in bad grades.

One surprise after the other, before he knew it Ian was already closing his notebook and putting away papers. With a sigh of relief Ian breathed out a "Done," and looked up at Max cheery eyed.

"So, watcha ya wanna do?" Ian asked, Max honestly didn't know what they could do, so said the next best thing. "Anything really," It took a second for Ian to respond in someway, but he sat up after thinking for a bit.

"I wanna show you around the neighborhood!" Max couldn't help but chuckle. "I think I know what the neighborhood is like, I've lived here for the whole summer."

Ian just smirked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah that's true, but Ive really explored this place." "Alright let's go," He sighed, while rolling his eyes.


Ian always in-joyed walking and talking, but he had a little more planned. Half way down the street, he says "So Ive done quite alot of exploring here, and I've found a really neat little place." Smiling and once again taking Max's hand he ran on towards his secret sanctuary.

Stopping in front of a group of trees and bushes, he takes both of Max's hands this time. He had to admit, Ian was definitely milking every chance he got to hold the other teenagers hands.

Altering into a serious tone, Ian looked straight into Max's bright green eyes, he could feel the tension behind his eyes. "Ok, the place I'm about to show you is specifically my special place I like to go to. No one else knows about it and that's why it's super important you promise to keep it secret." Max nodded vigorously.

Taking a deep breath, Ian slowly lead him to the group of trees. There was a barricade like wall of weeds that Ian had made a way of getting around, blocking the path. Carefully climbing around the wall, Max and Ian were left in a beautiful dirt trial. Sunlight filtering through the tree tops, and a gentle breeze rustling the leaves.

Ian watched Max's eyes shine while looking at the peaceful, sanctuary. "Don't worry, there's more." Ian commented calm and made his way threw the overgrown path.

Stopping a few times on the way, the two boys finally made it to the secret place In found. There was a old, run down gazebo in the middle of a dirt clearing. A heart oak tree crashing threw the the roof, plus vines and moss tangling in the cracks and crannies of the wooden structure.

"Wow, this is really amazing." Eyes bright and excited, Max set off looking at all the details of the gazebo. "I know, I'm so happy I found this place." Smiling and trailing behind his friend, Ian walked next to the oak tree penetrating threw the old roof.

He grabbed a hold of the bark and worked his way up, stopping at the edge of the roof. "Hell yeah, aren't we lucky that this tree just happen to give us access to the top of that gazebo!" Max commented excitedly, his thick Australian accent coming threw every word.

Smiling, Ian kept going and ended up on the roof of the old structure. "Being on a roof is always fun, but it doesn't end there. Also this shit is super unstable," giving an awkward laugh at the end, He crawled his way to the part of the tree poking out of the shambles of wood.

"Holy shit yes! That's even higher up," practically bouncing Max ran over to the tree and quickly made his way to the top. Ian was waiting at the top of the sturdiest tree branch, and before he new it Max was sitting right by his side.

Making sure there balance was stable, Ian and Max ended up wrapping their arms around each other. Shuddering as Ian felt his warmth spread onto his back. They chatted past dusk, messing around, cursing and joking, just being everyday teenage boys.

Holy crap, I'm so sorry for not fucking updating. Life has been busy for once sooooo there's my excuse. Yeah, but this was a bit shorter than usual and also I did not proof read cause fuck that, I'm to tired. I hope you enjoy this chapter and as I said in the past I rlly do have alot for this fic ok, so you don't have to worry about it ending all of a sudden. All right night all you crazy mother fuckers it's 1:30 I need to sleep, see ya

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