Chapter 11:Darling hold my hand

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I wake up by the sun that is jumping inside the cracks of the window like a thief

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I wake up by the sun that is jumping inside the cracks of the window like a thief.I try to sleep again as i cover my head with my pillow,but the voices from outside are keeping me awake.

I give up on the sleep part and i get up,walking all the way from the hallway to the kitchen.

I slept with my window open,but now it was closed.Who closed it? Was it him? Did he cοme to my room when i was asleep and not just in my imagination? 

''Mafalda,chiudi la mia finestra?''I ask her while she is busy preparing breakfast.

''No,seniora Kathy.'' Hm.She was not the one that closed it.

On the back yard everyone is already on the table.Even Pietro and his mother Francesca are here.He gives me a kiss to the cheek and i can't help but notice how Timothee tenses at Pietro's movement.

''Good morning everyone.''I smile happily at my family and i sit across Timothee.It feels like it was always just like this.Like he should be here from the start.Where were you when i was a child,Timothee? 

''You're having tea.''I notice as he takes a sip from his cup. 

''I figured i should try your favorite tea finally.''He smiles shyly and i feel everyone's eyes on us.Mafalda brings the last of the plates and everyone starts eating,leaving us alone.A while after,uncle Matteo and Luca leave to go to the grape fields.

''Kathy,why don't you take Timothee to the beach?Your uncle will keep that poor man busy for a long time,i imagine.''She looks at me behind her newspaper and i look at Timmy.

''Only if he wants to.''

''I would love to.''He nods and before i can say anything Pietro invites himself too.As we walk down the stairs just by the edge of the house that leads down on the beach,Timothee mumbles,
''What's up with your friend?''
He looks over at Pietro who is speaking with Katerina,Mafaldas daughter who asked if she could come with us too. 

''We grew up together.''I raise my shoulders. 

''Just that?''His eyes are on his feet as he walks slowly. 

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