chapter 7

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*both points of veiw*
"this isn't good." Scarlett thought. "what's not good?" Aria asked, shocking Scarlett. "You, you heard that?" Scarlett asked. "yeah."
"this, this only happens when..." Scarlett paused shocked. "give me a second I need to check something." scarlett pulled out her phone and searched up Queen Libra in google. "OH MY GOD!" Scarlett exclaimed as she started to cry. "what's wrong?" aria asked picking up Scarlett's phone from where she dropped it on the floor. "Who is Queen Lib..." Aria stopped. "She's your queen isn't she?" she asked "was. You mean was. I, I have a new queen now." Scarlett took a deep breath. "you." "wait, what? How am I the new queen? This makes no sense. I'm not even a vampire yet!" aria exclaimed. "but you will be. You in less than an hour. The blood did nothing to you. NOTHING!  It should have made the pain go away. Your powers have already formed! At least one of them, as queens have multiple ones. You READ my mind. I never said it was not good. Your appearance changed. It freaking CHANGED! Only a queens transformation causes that to happen. I did not think you would be queen. You not fit to be a queen! You..." Scarlett was stopped mid sentence by 2 guys,  both with bright orange eyes, pale skin, black eyes and spears appeared out of nowhere. "We are the royal guards of the vampire court. We are to pick up Aria White and take her back to the palace to prep her for her future role as a queen." one of the guards announced. "oh, I don't think you want her as your queen, she is not fit to he queen. Why don't you let me be queen?" not even a second after she said those words, she was laying on the ground headless with the other guard holding a dagger covered in blood. "Sorry you highness, we had to do what we had to do to keep you safe." the guard that had killed Scarlett said in a soft voice. "it's, it's OK. Can, can we please leave here?" I mange to choke out. "of course. Is there anyone you want to call and let them know about scarlett? You could say that she killed herself." the other guard replied. "um, do you know a guy called Malcolm? I'm pretty sure he works for her." I say after thinking for a few minutes.

About half an hour later every thing is sorted out and the guards and Aria are free to go to the palace.

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