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Hi guys. So I'm sorry the last 2 chapters were short but if you think about it, you get 2 chapters in one update. So I am going to try to update this at least once a week.
This story is only going to be a short story, so there will be 10 chapters maximum. But don't worry. At the moment I'm writing 2 other stories as well. One on my laptop and one in my notebook so you have those to look forward to. I also have another story in my notebook that I'm going to start typing up and editing and then post it when I'm finished with this story.

Stories to publish, write and finish.

A vampire story: need to finish writing and maybe edit in the future

A vampire wolf: need to edit, type up and publish after a vampire story is finished.

Found: will most likely break down into parts as it is spreading written on my laptop and publish before I publish the story above.

Humans pet: need to finish writing on laptop and will post after the two stories above are done.

Summer: need to finish writing it in my notebook, type it and edit it, put it into parts and will post it after all the other stories are done

Each story that I will be posting in the future will most likely be all written by the time they are published so I will publish them in "blocks" meaning that I publish only 2 chapters at a time or something like that. So you have a lot of things to look forward to.

I am also going to be unpublishing some stories on my profile that I am not a big fan of or that I will never finish so that I only have things I am proud of on here.

If you have any questions please just ask me.

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