Chapter 1: Intro

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The Wombats - 1996

You can hear the music pumping from the kitchen as people chatter away about how their courses are going, who's getting with who and just HOW great Sarah looks in that dress. After slipping away to go freshen up, you grab the sink, realising just how tipsy you really are. You might not need to go all the way to this dumb club night to see someone throw up.

"Hey y/n, you alright?" asks your best friend Amanda, throwing an arm drunkenly around your shoulders.
You throw her a quick smile, "Sure, I'm coming back in now" you assure her as you try to figure out which sets of eyes are her real ones. You stumble back into the kitchen, all smiles as you rejoin the table and settle in for another round of Ring of Fire.

"Jack, you get to make a rule!" one girl in some shiny black top screeches at you as you pull a card form the table. "Okay," you slur, "then my rule is that everyone has to drink when a new song plays." Grinning, you take a large gulp from your cup, not sure of what you poured in it only minutes ago. As if on cue, the music changes. Everyone groans as you smile wider, recognising the beat, swaying your hips to the music. Well, as much as you can when you're sitting on a chair, sandwiched between two people who you've definitely seen before but not super sure you know the names of.

“Y/N!” calls Amanda from the hallway. “Coming!” you yell back, fumbling your way out of the huddle of people, trying not to spill your drink on yourself.

“What is it?”

“We’re all going to start to head off to the club, the rest of the group are staying here and drinking, are you staying or going y/n?”

“I’ll grab my coat now.”

Ticket, cloakroom, toilet, bar. The schedule for every night out since your very first one at the start of University. You relax into the loud music, sticky floors and crushing bodies as you and your friends find a space on the dancefloor.

About fifteen minutes into the grooving and you notice a group of guys eyeing up you and your friends.

“Hey, have you clocked those gawkers behind you? Look, but don’t make it to obvious.”
Your friend whips her head round at light speed and immediately turns on the charm, waving and smiling at the group of boys, turning them from confident to terrified in 0.005secs.

“Goddammit Amanda I said SUBTLEY!” you say as your friend turns back round, giggling.

“Oh come on y/n, I was just having fun. Besides, we’re way out of their league anyway.” Amanda says, taking a long drink from her plastic cup. “And now I need a drink, let’s go to the bar.” She says, dragging you by the arm.

“Some of them were cute.” You mumble as you find yourself at the bar in record time, Amanda always found a way to be served first.

Turning your head back to check on where the rest of your group were, you notice that a couple of the guys from the group had followed you up to the bar. Trying not to make eye contact too obviously, you pretend to keep looking for your friends.

However, today the Universe was not on your side so you end up making full eye contact with the cutie you were checking out earlier.
“Crap!” you mutter under your breath, eyes wide as you quickly look away, but not quick enough to not notice the quirk of his lips.

“Shit shit shit Amanda hurry up!” you urge your friend.
“Geez alright I was just going, do you want to go to a different floor or something?” she replies, two drinks in hand as she passes you one. This was your tradition, taking turns to buy each other drinks until you both fell on the floor.
“Yes, very much so.” You plead, practically dragging her to the stairs as you see the guys closing in.

“Wow what was that all about y/n?”
“Some of the guys from that group were following us, I didn’t like their vibe”
“No worries, let’s not let them ruin our night. Come on! We’re only going to get to do this so many more times until we graduate and then we’ll never see each other again!” she pouts, “Forget about them, dance with me!” She shouts with a wiggle of her hips, arms up in the air, probably spilling her drink on the poor people behind her. Laughing you follow her onto the dancefloor, glad to have a friend like her.

The cool air of the smoking area hits your skin, making you wish you could bring coats out here. Amanda lights up a cigarette, offering it to you. You smile and shake your head, the last thing you need tomorrow is the double whammy of a hangover and cigarette breath.

“So, how’s your night going?” you smile and ask the rest of your group.

“Yeah pretty good, we haven’t seen those guys since you and Amanda disappeared. We were little worried there for a bit.” Carly replies.

“Yeah, it’s almost like they left the club when you went to the other floor, it was really weird.” Jessie chimes in.

“Well then I must be seeing things then.” You say as you suddenly make eye contact from the cutie earlier. His dark black hair almost hiding the twinkle in his eyes as he recognises you, almost.

“They look much better in natural lighting than they did inside.” Rachael muses, hand on chin, checking them out. There were thirteen boys in total, with a range of hair colours from dark to blonde and a range of heights, the majority being taller than you. Thank god you had your taller heels on tonight or you would have been slightly intimidated.

“Y/n? Y/N? Are you in there? You better stop staring or they’re going to think you’re weird.” Amanda chuckled.

You snapped out of your daze, “What? Oh yeah sorry I’m just really tired and hungry, can we go home?” you reply groggily. You could murder any carbohydrate right now and a huge glass of water.

“Yeah we might as well, let’s grab our jackets and leave, it looks like it’s almost closing time anyway.” Carly replies eagerly, glad to not be the one who goes home first this time.

After collecting your coat and walking home you munch down on a couple of slices of toast and drink your water, chatting with Amanda and the girls in the kitchen until the early hours of the morning. The entire time your mind is stuck in that guy, what was his deal anyway? You hope you never see him again, just thinking about him made you feel uneasy.

Sadly, that was not what the Universe had planned for you, and you were going to be so glad it wasn’t.

Authors note:
Hey! Thanks for reading my first chapter! Let me know what you think and I'll try and update if people like it.

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