Chapter 6 Niall's Story

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I held my hand up at Gerard asked me too.

"This young man, is only fifteen years of age, and is already the highest trained doctor in the clan. I, and all of your family, yes I said family would like to congradulate you. "

"For what sir?"

"For becoming head doctor!" My eyes widened. Greg, who stood next to Gerard on the stage, laughed quietly and shifted his weight to his other foot.

"Really?" I asked, reluctantly.

"Yes." Gerard congradulated me, and within minutes the conference hall was empty except for Greg, Gerard, and I. Gerard congradulated me again as I walked up to Greg.

"I have a surprise for you." he said as his voice cracked. Puberty was not treating him well, especially with the fact that he was 17. I followed him out to the tree we always played in as kids. He walked up and stopped at the carving of our names, dad did.

"I remember when he did this. Before he died. He was so happy." he half grinned. "Well. Wanna know half of your surprise?" I nodded quickly. He pulled his knife out and began to carve something.


I smiled. "That's awesome. " he looked at me and smiled.

"Look up." he whispered. I did as told, and my jaw dropped. There were a ton of pieces of wood and tool boxed on the floor board. "We are gonna finish it."

I jumped and climbed the tree to the tools. I waited for him to get up, to ask him what it was supposed to look like.

We began to draw out a plan. My idea was to start from the ground and go as high as we can. Greg convinced me to make it smaller.

I heard something rustle in the woods behind Greg, but I ignored it, as wolfs in the pack always roam around the grounds. I looked up at Greg, and the hairs on my neck moves. I felt a tug, as Greg flew backward. The paper in his hand flying towards my face.

"Greg!" I yelled as I tried to grab his hand. The body that drug him hissed, and sped away into the wooded area. "Greg! No!" I screamed as I fell down the tree trunk, my body thrashing around. As I landed I was on all fours. I ran into the woods where the body drug Greg. I held in my anxiety as I realized I was in my wolf. I stopped as I heard a loud scream.

I followed the scream, until I saw him. Lying on the ground with a pale body over him. Bloody all over the trees around him. His stomach ripped open through his shirt. I stood still as Greg was torn apart. A gash torn through his neck. I gaged as blood squirted at the tree beside the pale life force over him. I stood frozen as my brothers life was being taken.

I choked up a bark, and the little body over him jumped. I barked again and the body jumped higher, and began to run. I was too scared to go up to hi., so I ran back to the clan house. I barked as loud as I could, and got them to follow me to him.


"I was the head doctor, but I couldn't work with him." he breaths in deep. "I tried to look at him, but I couldn't. It killed me to see my only brother like that. "

"What happened to him? If you dint mind to tell me."

"Well the doctors tried. He was torn apart. He lost to much blood, for them tranfuse. The weren't trained enough to do it. " I watched as he dropped his hand down from the tree trunk. "I let him die. I was to scared to do my job, and he died. " he lowered his voice, as he spoke.

"Look, it wasn't you're fault. "

"How the bloody hell do you know that?!" You don't know me!"

"No! I don't know you! But I do know about you! And that you wouldn't let someone die!"


"Remember when wrestled?" he nodded. "Yeah. And I faked and injury? You stopped! You WORRIED about me. That's how I know." And with that he fell into me. Salt water soaking his ivory cheeks, and my shirt. His fists gripping the cloth.

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