Chapter 6 - Worries

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Summer’s POV)

A few months pasted. Niall and I got really close; we became best friends very fast. We stayed only friends but I knew it wasn’t going to be long until we would be more. Everyone around us noticed the lingering stares between us and how we both would light up when we saw each-other. They could see the chemistry between us and both Niall and I felt it. I was hoping something would happen soon because after all I knew life was too short but I enjoyed being friends so taking it slow was good too.    

It was May and we were going to change school in August. On my present school you could have the extra music-lesson without an audition, it wasn’t really based on good you played or sing; they just took in as many they had room for.

But on our new school we had to make an audition. Truth is last time – I failed. Last time it only made me sad because I would no longer have anyone to play with. This was not the case anymore. It was that I knew Niall would pass the audition for sure. He was so talented and he really could sing and play so well.I didn’t want to miss out on all that time I could spend with him. And the performances would be really fun. So I had to pass this time! 

Niall and I were at my house. We were lying on my bed, next to each-other talking.

“Are you nervous for your audition?” I asked him.

“No, you?” Well the audition wasn’t really that big of a deal, it was only about music-lessons. But meant so much more for me.

“Yes, I won’t be good enough.” I realized how sad I sounded.

“You’re good enough.” He turned his head around and looked at me.


“Yes.” He smiled big at me. 


“Yes, you’re good enough. You just have to believe in yourself. I believe in you.”

“But believing in myself won’t make me better.”

“Of course it will! I promise you that you’ll make it, because you’re an amazing musician.” He smiled a cute smile and I smiled back. He always made me feel good about myself.

He turned around and was lying on his side, facing me. He held out his hand and removed the hair from my face. We looked deep into each-others eyes and the world stopped.

“Have anyone ever told you that your eyes look like oceans?” He asked.

“Actually, they have.” I answered and we laughed silently. “But you have blue eyes too.”

“Yes, but yours really looks like an ocean. You can see the waves coming into shore. It’s like they’re really moving.”

“What are you talking about?” I laughed.

“I don’t know but I’m nervous.” He took his eyes of mine.

“Why?” I was surprised.

“Being here with you.” He said and then his eyes were locked on mine again. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. His lips found mine. The moment was perfect. At first we both were shy. Then we hugged each-other tighter and his lips moved down my neck. I couldn’t help to moan. His hands were everywhere and mine were everywhere.

We didn’t go further than that. Because my parents were home and I just wasn’t ready, after all we were only 15 years old.     

* * * *

On the Friday it was time for the auditions. We had gotten a time emailed to us and I was the first one of Niall and me. We got to the school 10 minutes before my time and we sat down on a bench outside the music-classroom. Niall was holding my hand and we small-talked. Our relationship was really easy, every thing just came so natural between us and I couldn’t see myself with anyone else. 

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