chapter 2 After School

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So this is chapter two me and my sis have 9 chapters in total... I haven't read this in ages... so here's chapter two the others get more fun.. hope everyone likes it.. I may post the rest in the next few days

Chapter 2: After School

So it was decided that Tidus would try out for the soccer team. They were all there, along with a smug Jecht. Tidus ignored him. Wakka laughed at the two.
"First off," the coach said. "Laps, run till you're tired."
Everyone glared at him, but no one voiced their opinions. They did as told, Fang and Wakka leading the pack. Tidus wasn't too far behind. In the meantime, Jecht was again goofing around, and he didn't notice when Wakka took a random turn and disappeared. Tidus watched him go and turned to Firion, who was easily keeping pace with him.
"Where's he going?" the newbie asked.
Firion shrugged. "Probably out to meet Lulu, don't worry about him."
They all stopped, Fang going a few extra laps just to show off, and Jecht glanced at each of them. "Where's hair jell?" he asked. No one seemed to understand who he was talking about. "You know, orange hair that defies gravity?"
No one gave him a definitive answer. Jecht only sighed and rolled his eyes. "And I thought he was supposed to be the captain," he sighed again. "Whatever. So, who's the vice-captain or whatever?"
Firion stepped up. "I am sir," he said.
"Good, you take over, I'll be back."
They all watched as the man left the fields. The only one that wasn't surprised was Tidus, who was honestly thankful for his father's absence.
Firion was the first to recover. "Alright then," he said. "Let's get some drills out of the way." He turned to Tidus. "Try to keep up, Mr. Star Player."
Everyone but Cloud laughed about that, but Tidus rolled his eyes. "You're on," he said.

Practices included more laps roughly three hours of nonstop drills that ranged from dribbling to kicking to blocking the goal. It didn't matter which position that you took on the field, everyone was expected to excel at everything.
They were all out of breath by the end. Firion clapped Tidus on the back, a wide grin on his face. "Not bad," he said. "You're on the team. Don't go slacking off on us like Wakka does though."
"Deal." Tidus said. He decided that today was actually one of the better ones he's had.
Then Jecht showed up again. "Hey, Tidus, come on! Practice is over."
"Hold on," Rikku said. "Is he your dad or something?"
"Yeah," Tidus groaned.
"Hurry up, or you'll miss the train," Jecht started to walk off. "Then you'll be stuck here till tomorrow."
Tidus groaned and said bye to the team before running off to catch up to his father.

Tidus almost collapsed on the couch when he got home. Jecht laughed at him, and he wasn't the only one. Tidus started and looked over to where a familiar form was sitting in one of the big arm chairs.
"Auron," he said, very surprised to see the man. "What are you doing here?"
"Your father invited me," the man said simply, his voice a gruff baritone.
"That I did," Jecht said. He also collapsed onto a chair. "It's been a while."
"As I recall, that wasn't my fault." Jecht made a noise that neither agreed nor denied Auron's words. "So why did you suddenly call?"
"Can't I get in touch with an old friend because I want to?"
"If you weren't yourself, yes."
Tidus almost chuckled at that. He sensed that this was going to turn into two old men rambling on and on about nothing and made to leave.
"I brought take-out, it's in the fridge," Auron said.
"Already had something," Jecht said, waving over his shoulder. He scoffed when Auron looked at him, expecting clarification. He didn't get any.
Tidus grabbed a few boxes at random and went to his room, which was located right next to the living room. He didn't bother turning on his TV, knowing that he had always been able to listen to the cool stories the older men shared when they thought that he couldn't hear. He hoped he wouldn't be disappointed when he heard Auron's voice through the thin walls.
"So how's the new job?" the man asked.
"Better than the old one," Jecht replied.
"How so? I thought that you liked Bevelle."
There was a pause, most likely Auron waiting for the other man to continue. When he didn't, he sighed. "So who was it that you were meeting for dinner?"
"Who said I was meeting anyone?"
Now it was Auron's turn to be silent.
"His name is Kuja," Jecht said. Tidus heard the fridge open and close, and guessed that Jecht was helping himself to either the rest of the left overs, or a beer.
"'His'?" Auron asked.
"Yeah, got a problem with it?"
Auron laughed. "As I recall, you were always picking on Braska for meeting with men. Even after he got married."
"I see what your point is, but that's not what's going on."
Auron laughed again. "Sure it's not."
Tidus couldn't believe it. His dad liked one of his teachers? And Kuja, of all of them?
"Why?" he asked himself. "Gross." Though he did admit that it was better than him falling for Kefka. Now that would have been awkward. Wait, shouldn't he be wondering more on how his dad could be gay, and not criticizing him on his choice of men? Tidus quickly turned on his TV so that he didn't hear the rest of that conversation in case Jecht started ranting about weird stuff. He shuddered at the thought.
Auron noticed that Tidus's television just now turned on, but Jecht didn't. Jecht was still glaring at him for trying to insinuate that he was somehow dating his coworker. He admitted that Kuja was a cool guy, but that was it. And of course Auron didn't buy it for a minute.
"So why did you suddenly decide to contact me again?" Auron asked.
Jecht shrugged. "Just felt like it."
"Does it have anything to do with this 'Kuja'?"
"No," Jecht laughed. "It's just been a long time. I wanted to know how you've been."
Auron honestly believed him. He wondered if Jecht would end up only staying friends with the man, or if there would ever be anything more. He knew that Jecht was more than likely never going to want to date anyone, not after what happened to his late wife, but the silent man wondered if Kuja could somehow help his old friend with the pain. He definitely hoped so.
Auron soon had to leave, and he grabbed his long red trench coat. "Perhaps I could meet this Kuja," he said. Somewhere in the conversation, Auron decided that either Jecht was trying to downplay his feelings for the guy because he didn't want to believe that he was already falling for him, or he was making him up entirely. He honestly couldn't be sure which of those the truth was, but he was sure that he was going to find out sooner or later.
"Whatever," Jecht said. He had grabbed a can of beer, but had barely taken a sip of it. He wasn't going to drink too much on a school night, knowing what consequences would surely follow if he fell down that road.
"Oh," Auron had one hand on the door knob. "Braska has invited you and Tidus to a small get together two weeks from now. It's in celebration of his daughter's birthday."
"You mean it's a birthday party?"
And he left, leaving Jecht staring at the door. "It ain't like that," he muttered under his breath. He sighed before finally moving from the chair to his own room. He had to get up early again to catch the train to work, after all.

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